

some things are short-lived..
It's the story of love and sacrifice..A story of two hearts.... story of their untold faith and devotion.. it's all about Kai and Aakesh. . . .A true story of love....

Kai is a beautiful girl not only of beautiful appearance but also beautiful from her soul,mind and heartshe is seventeen years old and studies in 12th standard....she is funny but not fool,she jokes but it doesn't mean that she isn't mature...she looks like a kid but remember that she has faced and handled more situation than that of you and me . .. She loves Aakesh more than that of her life and happiness...

Aakesh is a handsome guy with face matching character..he is cute,sweet, funny, crazy and helpful..he is a perfect person..he is 18 years old and studies in class 12.. fortunately Kai and Aakesh are classmates...

Fortunate thing is Kai and Aakesh are classmates and unfortunate thing is that they even don't speak with each other,they have no words to express their love towards each other...


10th March


I was a fine night ,moon🌕 shining bright miles away from the land,from Aakesh and Kai.... Aakesh is planning to confess his love towards her... looks confused, stressed,afraid and tired..... Although he was nervous he callde her....

It connected and the bell started to ring..His heart was now pumping blood in high rate ,he was turning red and now she picked the call....


Aakesh: hello!

How are you now?(kai was ill and was very weak)

Kai: I am feeling much better than before Aakesh..

Aakesh: Have you took your medicine?

And what about your dinner?

Kai: YA I did..

Aakesh: kai!!


Aakesh: I have something to say ..

Kai: sure... please

Aakesh: Kai I love you ❣️

Kai:(laughs)... really?

Aakesh:kai I am serious..do you love me?

Kai:I don't know..I can't express these things in a call..we should meet and talk..

Aakesh: ok we'll meet on Monday and discuss it...

If you would have said me today I would have reached school earlier on monday and waited for you...

Kai: Good night 🌃

Aakesh: Good night 🌃

Aakesh waited for kai to hung the call..he was now impatient and on Sunday he thought about Kai's answer for the whole day..


Today, Aakesh was very much excited to reach school..he even ignored his friends and finally he was inside school premises...on entering he saw kai busy there..He didn't wanted to disturb her so he stayed near to her but even didn't wished her...

He waited impatiently for kai to come to him and talk but she didn't... Aakesh was literally upset so he followed Kai...he tried to talk but Kai ignored him..he got frustrated by then ...He was sure now that the answer is no so he was about to leave ....

His friend suggested him to talk to her once....

Aakesh went to Kai and asked her for answer but, she denied...he was badly hurt...he was too much sad for himself..it sounded as if he had no reason left to survive...he was numb .

Tears of love felt from his eyes..warm tears rolled down his pale cheeks..he was shocked for a moment...he realised that his dreams has broken into pieces...

He begged her to give him a chance but she still denied...

Here, it's actually neither Kai's fault nor Aakesh's .. it's just fault of their hearts.. no matter how much he loves her.. they weren't made for eachother..yes he loves her the most but still they aren't made for each other..it's true that he sacrificed everything for her but still they aren't made for each other...

Look! What a coincidence he heard after a month that she loves someone else the way he loved her....most painful thing in this world is when you lose hope, trust and get rejected wheather it's in case of love or other things like sports,games or any relationship...

A bitter fact about love is the more you try to get rid of the more you get closer..the more you ignore the more you attract and the more you care the more you make your bond stronger...

Now Aakesh had nothing special in his life....

Although he was rejected he never gave up ..he tried to make ways to get close to her.....he texted her for stupid reasons..he kept loving her no matter what he gets in return...he always waited impatiently that she might text him once , but,that never happened....he lost all his hope and tried to move forward but he couldn't...

He cried whole night for her ..he got depressed...

Love is really a strange feeling ,, you feel but couldn't express...

Aakesh started to act normal but his heart knows how much he loves her.....

He promised himself that he'll never fall for anyone, he'll always be there for Kai he'll wait for years and years...he not only loved her but also respected her...

One fine evening he saw Kai waiting for him . ..he got totally red,,he decreased his speed when he reached that spot ,kai hugged him tightly,she was crying ,her eyes were red ,she squeezed him deep inside her,he grabbed her and tears rolled down...he felt the warmth, love,care,in that hug ..he was trying to pull her more closer and suddenly the alarm rang ....it was a dream ,a short-lived feeling,,a dream that was never meant to come true .... It was just a moment he wished for and now he realised depth of his love for her..

He realised that some of the thing are meant only for a short period of time...jut for a sec and again normal.. love is a part of it ... the feeling of love is just for a certain period and people .... you will never get them in real and in imagination they are all yours..the happiness we get when we imagine ourselves with the special one , when we find them near us , when we realise their value is the most memorable moments..

If you really love someone don't run after them or force them or do anything that is going to hurt them cause if you really love them, you even can't imagine them shading their diamond droplets..... there wide smile is the only thing you look for rather that is cause of you or not doesn't matter....if they find happiness with someone else than that is okay ... cause they were never yours if you can't sacrifice you happiness for them please hesitate to take theirs happiness.... love is what you give some one with out any expectations..

That is actually what Aakesh did ...he never stopped loving he just stopped showing... happy moments always hurts at last......

This love never succeeded , cause some things are short-lived.....

Thank you ❣️❣️

Yours Akrity 💗

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