

A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush. She made a little too much noise for out of nowhere cold hands grabbed her.l, she struggled and struggled but there was no point.

She finally turned to see who was responsible for this and smiled when she saw it was her boyfriend. "let's go somewhere" he smiled , but his smile looked painfully scary.

I followed him because I trusted him oh how stupid I was. He led me to a cabin in the woods , I wondered how he knew about the cabin but decided not to ask.

He told me to sit while he brought me something to warm me up since I had been in the rain. I listened to him and sat still until I heard it, the sound of his knives sharpening.

I creeped up to the door and saw him sharpening his knives with a malicious grin. The room he was in had to be the worst place I had ever seen.

People were strangled with other people's intestines. It was a death fest.

I tried to get away but he grabbed me back. It was too late, I should have listened when they told me. MY BOYFRIEND IS A PSYCHOTIC MURDERER

© MJ