

the core of evil ,part 1
it was one of the hottest days of the year so she decided to leave the windows slightly open and fell asleep on her couch watching old barney millier reruns it must have been a little past midnight when she dozed off.
she really didnt like falling asleep because when she slept he was there and when it was time to wake up she did so with tears in her eyes because he no longer was there.÷qed hip lit tut

it was like 2:45 in the mourning when she felt this heavy pressure on her chest and cold metal against her neck. she opened her eyes to see a man standing in front of her his flaccid member in his hand and the knife to her .
think illy think
hey there cutie how did you get in.
he dropped his limp dick and pointed to the window . Shit girl you left the window open,dont panic you can handle this
wow you look like you work out nice chest she said
you want me to take off my top
he grunted with excitement
she slowly removed her top and when he dropped his guard she tossed her shirt st his face and raced upstairs.
he recovered and was fast on her tail she saw her escape her flight to freedom.
Ahead of her stood a floor to ceiling stained glass window,before she had a chance to back out she dove head first thru the window. it was like she was falling in slow motion until she hit that floor,her knees buckled and the world began to spin. then fade away.
as luck would have it 2 patrol officers turned the corner to see a beautiful redheaded woman flying thru the air.
before the car came to a stop rebecca was out the car on her feet and at the womans side. 2 Adam 10 possible homicide at bailey st 118 bailey st send an ambulance and back up the guys still in the house.
Rebecca was back on her feet and kicking open the front door.
no illy screamed he's gonna kill her.
when rebecca entered the house she was stunned there before her stood the biggest man she had ever seen he smiled and said yummy dessert.
he ran towards rebecca and before she could process what was going on she dropped into a split he jumped right over her she rolled on her backtook out her weapon and fired one shot that caught him in the back of his neck.
she jumped to her feet ran towards the limp body turned him over,we wont stop coming for her she belongs to us he smiles as the blood escapes thru his mouth,he was dead.
what the hell was this dude talking about, she wasn't gonna let this one go she took a life and she needed to know why.
that woman that redheaded woman had her answers and rebecca wasn't going to rest until she knew.

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