

Traveling is the best way of learning, and I’m proud to call myself as a traveler. On my last trip I meet with a very gentle man Raju. If you ask me to describe him in few wards I would say he is very honest, a bit dramatic, strong, straight forward and always with a smile.
Let me began his story in my own words.
I’m Raju Rana and proclaim myself as one of the luckiest person on this planet😊. As I have a very good friend, a friend about which you all have read in story or in novel. She was my friend from the very first day of my hostel life. Yes my best friend is a girl. And this mad me more proud, as people say a girl and a boy can never be just friends. But I was proud to say to them that WE DO EXIST. With time our bonding become more strong, there was nothing which we wouldn’t share. Even the things which I could not say to my parents or to my love, all those things I could say to her very easily. In one word she was my private locker. And this is where everything started going wrong. I never thought her as a girl. I have always seen her as my best friend not as a girl best friend. I forget that she to have a private life I never respected that. With time everything changes but I used to believe that we won’t change. But gradually I noticed small changes, She started ignoring me. few time I ignored it, some time I used to disturb her more as she kept on ignoring, but I never tried to understand her condition, neither she tried to make me understand her condition. After some time this became a part of life. But deep inside I was getting frustrated by her change, I just couldn’t come out of that my beast friend was ignoring me, I just wanted to know the reason behind it. And one fine day I made up my mind that today I won’t let go, I put out all my frustration. I thought she will understand me but the truth is I never tried to understand her condition. When I didn’t get satisfied reply I share my point of view with my love and she just said one thing “the way you want her then she should have been your Gf, your love, your wife. My dear you are no more kids, you both have grown up. You as a boy may not realize that but a girl need to think 100 time before doing or saying any things”. I had no answer to her opinion. A GIRL AND BOY CAN NEVER BE JUST FRIENDS FOREVER..,
What a tragedy… If I wouldn’t meet Raju then I don’t think that in my full life, I could be have seen this dark side of our society. This story also taught me a lesson, that our society have developed so much but even now also when ever we see a boy and girl together our first thought is that they are BF/GF. What to say about other I do think the same..,

© JP haldar