

the best goodbye🌸
it was the same old castle near the river where we both used to go together...
just remembered how we'd play hide n seek and from playing together came to promising to be together till last breath
"why did you break the promise,huh!! "
she shouted at the top of her voice bursting into tears and listening to the echoes..
"what went wrong god? why? can nobody answer me?"
she suddenly realised that it's useless to question god as there wasn't really one actually, it was fate, destiny the bit*h that allowed death to seperate them..
she'd look at the stars and continue the story how they were happy, how she got the lil letter with chocolate for the first time the level of joy was incomparable!
where did it vanish?
she decided to visit the grave and leave some flowers but as soon as she stepped near it, she could feel his arms around herself as if he was again alive for her but as she turns it was a nothing..
she just clinged onto the gravestone again in all tears she imagined him sitting besides, and he said " I shall love you till forever , but don't cry you have to move on and find someone who can wipe your tears , who won't let you miss me"
she replied as if he were really talking it to her " how can I ? I love you now and forever? nobody will be able to get a space in the heart which is reserved for you!"
"it's typical not impossible, ik God will send someone better than me soon, very soon"
and she heard her sister shouting in her ear, " wake up!!! your frnd he's already here Don't you remember you have to go for a field work project?"
as she glanced out of the window he gave the most charming smile making a cute dimple on the side, she smiled back and said "good morning! I'm sorry I'm late and just coming in 10 mins plz come in and have some coffee"
, he nodded his head and headed to the door and her eyes were wide open as she saw a glimpse or the one who truely lived in her heart, waving a goodbye perhaps it was what it was meant to be...

© drunk soul