

Unknown love

Day before the accident

Aastha her mom and dad was watching TV, but suddenly the power cuts off. They all were surprised as they hardly face any power cut, That also at this point of time. They all started looking for their phone. But very soon they came to know that they were not the only on in the room. They called out but got nothing back in return except few footsteps walking around them. They were frightened, they could easily make out there were not few footsteps but many all around them. It was so dark they could hardly see anything. And this footsteps wear becoming louder and louder, By every passing second. They could feel the sound more closer than befor. All of a sudden everything was silent. And the voice came out from the darkness like a thander in the clear sky. Hello Aastha.
Aastha couldn't recognise the voice. She hold her father's hand tightly. They all were very afraid and shocked. They have no idea what to say what to do. The room again become silent. They could listen to their own breeding. After few seconds another thander brock out.
We ment no harm to you, we just want to talk about Abhi. You know him right Aastha?
One the very next moment, Aastha's mom and dad was pulled off from her, before they could even react to it. They all Shouted together in panic but the very next moment everything was silent she couldn't hear her mom dad any more. Aastha felt like a frozen wind blow through her body. She wanted to scream out as loud as she could but she couldn't. Her voice got frozen like her body.
The footsteps came towards her. The man was so close the she could feel the breath strik on her face.
Aastha they are fine.... As of now And they will be fine if you do as I ask you to do.
Don't do anything stupid, consequences will be upon you. You do understand it right?
Aastha to be very frank I have nothing to do with you or with your family. I just need to get some information from the person you love. And I need your help to get it. Won't you help me Aastha? No need to answer I know you will help me.🙂🙂
And believe me if you do exactly what you are asked then we won't harm any one, but till that time your mom dad going to be my guest.

The only thing you need to do is to call him ask him to meet as soon as possible. And when you meet him, I don't know what you will do or how will you do, you have to bring him to the place we will ask you to. That's it your task is over so simple. No one will get hart, no one. And....and...... and don't say anything about me to your baby. I know you won't 🙂
Everything was silent again, the footsteps fainted away as they came in. Lights were back. TV turned on everything was as it was, but this time Aastha was allone in the room.

BOSS "H" is waiting for you. He want to meet you.
Boss: send him in.
H: boss every thing is set.
Boss: is it ready?
H: not yet but we are ready to start the game, All the players are. in the right place.
Boss: H good work, but you know whom you are
Dealing with, we can't afford any mistakes
This time, you have to be very careful. Our
ambitious Our future depends upon it.
H: yes i am very well familiar with the condition Boss and believe me this time i will personally take care of everything. I won't let you down.
Boss: ok all the best "H". Now get back to me with
our trophy. And once the game is on keep mee updated with every move.


H: Boss the game is on, everything is going accordingly. [Encrypted text]
What the hell... No no no no....... Ho no how could this happen. What should I do now? I... I..... ... Yes that's it. This will work out even much better.
Boss game is compromised, I need medical team as early as possible at my location.[Encrypted text]
Boss: you will have it in 5 minutes [encrypted text]
wait what that f**k is that police siren!!!
How could they come so first, plan was fully proof there was no way it could have exposed.
Mission aborted they know about it, going under ground.[encrypted text to boss]
© JP haldar
#story #writer #writcostory #Love&love! #relationships #lovestory©himu