

Pain is a part of the life...
It is not necessary that the pain we get is physical pain always .It can be physical or mental pain too. In my childhood I am like kind of teen that I started consuming alcohol and some times drugs too . Might be I don't have option to go with it because I was mentally disturbed all because of my parents that they are busy with their work and they don't have time to look after me . I had make some friends that given me the importance that they had got me this habit to consume drugs sometimes it so high that I also don't no where the hell I am actually! ..
My parents got to know about this consumption they had decided to put me in rehabilitation center because of that consumption of drugs . I told them this will never gone happened again but they don't believe me anymore .after several years back I came from the rehabilitation center but the drugs has been dropped out from my life , but the pain is always with me and it has been fucked up so badly that I started to stay in my room the whole day without talking with anyone .
After some years passed out I have to pursue my career in management studies so I have to shift in LA ,my parents has fear that again I might be not addicted to the drugs but this time is never gone happened . because I know that the pain is with me and I have to deal with it how hard it will but I will overcome and not adapt the mental depression anymore. I think that everyone has something in their life that they have to deal with it we cannot let go our feeling what we are going through .As a player who got injury he or she can bear with it by treatment in case of physical pain . But in mental stress the mind got stuck we cannot think much , we are like what the fuck is going on ...
If we want the happiness then we have to accept that the pain is the part of our life that we have to deal with it . Some people ask me that how I overcome from this things
" I replied the only thing is to find the thing that you love to do ,what you make stronger than before , how powerful you became the pain play major perspective in your life .