

My Last Frozen Yogurt

My eyes were swollen for I cried for the entire night. I felt as if I were drowning in my own tears. The sound of my heartbeat pounded in my ears and I felt as if I was knocked over by ten thousand bricks. All I could do was stare at the ceiling above me. I could not help but wonder why life had to be that way. How could I forget the scene that kept replaying inside my head. ?
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in then out. I was never going to fall asleep. How could I? I was traumatized, I was uneasy and I felt uncomfortable. The thought of my father hanging on to his life, motionless in the room beside mines was unbearable. He was the only thing I had. Many of my family lived far away but here in this country, I only had him.
It was a busy and cold Saturday night when my father decided to buy me frozen yogurt at a place called Tutti Frutti. Every Saturday my father and I would go there so it eventually became a routine. Both of us enjoyed frozen yogurt there for it was different from the other yogurt places we had been before. I will never forget how happy I was spending the night with my father. Our home was not far from there but my father thought that it was safer to drive since it was dark and bad men would rob us of everything we had.
After enjoying the yogurt, we decided that it was time for us to leave and go home. The ride home was silent and the road was not busy like the usual. I was in the back seat and I had on my seatbelt while my father was in the driver’s seat without his seatbelt. I told him to put his seatbelts on but he insisted that he did not have to since we live right around the corner.
I closed my eyes for only a minute then opened it and saw a bright light shining at my face and car horns blowing. ‘Beep! Beep’
The sound of screams echoed into my ears, then suddenly both cars went crashing into each other. Everything went dark and I felt like I could barely breathe. I woke up and saw blood everywhere and my father unconscious. I tried to scream for help but I was too weak and everything went dark again.
I woke up and I found myself laying down in an hospital bed. The nurse informed me about what happened and told me where my father was. That tragic night was one that I will never forget. A few minutes later I was startled by the sound of the alarm going off. Doctors and nurses rushed pass my room and I got up and followed behind them. And there he was laying on his death bed with scars all over his face. That was the worst day of my life.
Ever since that day I never ate frozen yogurt again because it was never the same without my father.

#frozenyogurt #loveones