

nothing lasts forever
In a desolate landscape, there stood an abandoned playground. The swings creaked in the breeze, the seesaw sat frozen, and the merry-go-round remained still. There was no laughter, no children's voices, just the eerie silence of a place once filled with joy.

The playground was a reflection of its surroundings, a world untouched by humanity. Nature had taken over, reclaiming what was once crafted by human hands. But there was no happy ending here, no sign of life to rekindle the spirits of this lonely place. It remained a forgotten relic in a world devoid of its creators.
by mercii
© mercii
by mercii ♡♡♡
Thankyou for reading and supporting my small account!! ❤️ I appreciate any likes or followers, and I hope you enjoy my work!! It says minimum 150 words, So I'm still writing so I can publish it.
© mercii
mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii mercii