


# In our village, there was a folklore about a knocking door. It was a horrific story. But one day, my granny's best friend tried to break it, but it only got worse, and her name was Elizabeth.....

It was a dark and stormy night, the wind howling outside and the rain beating against the windows. Elizabeth sat alone in her small cottage, the only light coming from the flickering candle on the table in front of her. She shivered, feeling a chill run down her spine as she heard a faint tapping at the door.

At first, Elizabeth tried to ignore it, telling herself it was just the wind playing tricks on her. But the tapping grew louder and more insistent, as if someone was desperately trying to get her attention. With a sense of unease creeping over her, Elizabeth stood up and cautiously made her way to the door.

As she reached out to open it, a sudden feeling of dread washed over her. She hesitated, her hand hovering over the latch, unsure of what she would find on the other side. But the tapping continued, growing more urgent with each passing moment.

Finally, with a deep breath, Elizabeth flung open the door. But to her surprise, there was no one there. The wind howled through the open doorway, sending a shiver down her spine. She stepped outside, peering into the darkness, but there was no sign of anyone or anything.

Just as she was about to close the door and retreat back inside, a voice whispered in her ear. "Let me in, Elizabeth. Let me in." The words sent a chill down her spine, and she stumbled back, her heart pounding in her chest.

With a sudden burst of courage, Elizabeth slammed the door shut and locked it tight. She could still hear the voice, faint and distant, but growing louder with each passing moment. She knew she had to do something, had to find out who or what was trying to get inside her home.

Gathering her courage, Elizabeth grabbed a lantern and ventured out into the storm. The wind whipped at her hair and the rain soaked through her clothes, but she pressed on, determined to uncover the source of the mysterious voice.

As she made her way through the darkness, the voice grew louder and more insistent, guiding her towards a small, dilapidated shack at the edge of the woods. With a sense of dread, Elizabeth approached the door and knocked, her heart pounding in her chest.

But as the door creaked open, she was met with a sight that chilled her to the bone. Standing before her was a figure cloaked in shadows, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It reached out a hand towards her, its voice a whisper in the darkness.

"Let me in, Elizabeth. Let me in."

With a scream, Elizabeth turned and ran, the figure's words echoing in her ears as she fled back to her cottage. She locked the door behind her, the sound of the storm outside drowning out the voice that still whispered in her mind.

And as she sat alone in the darkness, the memory of that night haunted her dreams, a reminder of the horrors that lurked just beyond her door.

© canon77