

My Woman, My Peace.
It was on a Friday evening, the sun was setting and the atmosphere was filled with Cool breeze. Emeka had just returned from the market. Sales was poor no doubt, one could tell from the expression written all over his face. He had gone to the market that day with high expectations and a high spirit hoping to make a lot of sales but alas, he was disappointed. Things had not gone as he had hoped. His spirit was weak. He was lamenting over and over again.
Just as he walked into his green painted two bedroom apartment which he shared with his wife, he could percieve the strong aroma of egusi soup that filled the air. This was one of his favorite dishes. He sank himself on the couch and took a deep breath.
Chidinma heard the door creak from the kitchen where she was making dinner. she had just returned from the food market two miles away from their house where she bought items to make her husband's favorite dish; egusi soup and eba. She had just finished making the soup and had set the kettle on the stove so she can make eba. Sweat filled her brows and she constantly wiped them off using her elbow.
She knew he was back when she heard the door creak. she rushed to welcome him. She had missed him the whole day and couldn't wait for him to be back. She particularly loved the way he kissed her after they have spent some time apart.
As she step into the sitting room, her contenance changed. Her man wasn't looking good. She rushed up to him and held him up. Then she asked in a sooting voice, Are you okay? looking straight into his eyes.
He looked into her eyes, he could see the the fire in there, he could feel the warmth the fire gave. He felt as if a burden had been lifted of his shoulders. He responded and said to her, I wasn't okay, but I feel better now.
She smiled, she didn't bother to ask him further questions about how his day went, she rather set her mind in making him better. She helped him up into their bedroom, fixed him some warm water to bath with and then she went back to the kitchen to dish out his meal.
He took a long warm bath, dressed up in his P.J and went to the dinning room. As he ate, all his worry seem to fade away. She is the best cook he had ever come across.
After he was done eating, he went to relax on the sofa. There, she came to join him. She was smelling of vanilla. He held her tight and wishpered in her ears, you are my peace. She smiled and kissed him. She felt it run to her spine, a feeling she had felt before, a feeling of accomplishment.
© Obinna Okereke