

The True Me!
As I walk this life tha the lord has giving me I realize I’m a strong independed women I’ve been through hell and back all the way back from childhood all the way to adult hood but I stay faithful to my self and my children. at just 8 years old I lost my cousin who was my protector he protected me from everything but when he was murder my life was turned up side down I had so much hurt and I started getting raped at 8 yers old when my father who was suppose to protect me became the father who was a drug addict and just let me run free witch gave people the opertunety to do as they please to me. back before I I learn about god I was full of anger and hurt but now I know hurt people hurt people my father dealt with my cousin being shot in the face because some women lied and said she was single and her husband found out and murder my cousin my cousin didn’t even know about the husband. so after all those years of rape and people telling me I’m to dumb to live on my own I believed them, so I through of my self as a f*** up then I had my baby’s and my first two growing up with a really messed up mom who was a alcoholic and had a sexual addiction then being raped some more buy my second husband who also was also a alcoholic and abusive when he was drunk then became a narcissist who controlled my emotions even when he was sober. for some sick twisted reason he injoyed belittleing me. but as learned what god love truly is love compassion and mercy to me. so I have to learn to except this for my self.I have to learn how to love my self as much as I love my children, I have to learn to compassion for my self and hurt I’ve gone through was not only my doing, and mercy I must learn mercy I’m only one person I will mess up and its ok just keep moving forward. no matter what happened in life I know gods got me. I’m blessed to be stressed and to be the daughter of the all might father in heaven this is the true me.

The True Me!
the true me is a fighter
the true me is a survivor
the true me struggles everyday
the true me is a blessed mother
the true me is a friend who always gives
because I know how it means to struggle
the true me is me Jennifer Silguero and this is
the true me thanks

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