

Mazushī Kodomo
"The forest had always been what calmed him; even in the days when he could hear nothing but the sounds of his empty stomach, and the pain pierced his whole body, the forest calmed the young Mazushī Kodomo. His eyes were stolen by the skill and color of the green empire. Perhaps life had given him only too many shortcomings; missing roof, absent parents in his life, small meals taken irregularly, a living dragged closer to death; but at least he had left this relief. Sometimes he would find mushrooms and other fruits in the forest, and he would take them to feed them, at that moment the forest played a role as a parent, in fact she had always done so....."
"...He hadn't seen blood until now, at least not so much. Without thinking he pick up the sword, his fingers sliding slightly from the sheath smeared with fresh blood. With his legs still trembling, he go out from the hiding spot being ready to hit left or right at any time."

If you want to read more, guys, go to Wattpad, search @Edmond_Ciprian and read it completely there 😁. If you find my lecture enjoyable show me that subscribing (in this way we keep contact and you read more of what I will write), voting my work and spreading the news about my lecture to friends 😁.
Stay safe people and be sure to be how clean can to avoid the viruses. Bye bye!🙃😉
P.S: I will chose mythology category cause is the most close to fantasy.

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