

Anecdote: heaven or hell?
Copyright @ebonygirl

We never know which word, action, glance or even thoughts can impact on someone.

Life brings to us an assortment of tiny mini tales. Some we cherish, others we bury in a corner. And weirdly enough, if we are aware, these anecdotes act as torch bearers when our heart is ebbed. When least expected, a word said with love and concern, can be the cure to someone's wounds.

Everything was tranquil: neither people nor the wind. Despite, the early hours the sun was already so warm. The heated sun, the laden briny smell of the slimy green rich sea and the cloudless sky were telling the state of my mind. My watery eyes reflected my hungry and relentless mind: thirsty for answers and reckless with the endless thoughts and emotions englobing me. I was nothing but a parched mind waiting to be filled.

That sultry warm summer, with its uncomfortable temperature, did nothing but added to the torture I was going thru. My mind and heart ruffled, wanting to fly to an unknown exotic place where nothing except bliss is inherent . Long subdued emotions found their way on my cheeks. I closed my eyes, feeling the mounting pain.

No sooner that they were closed, that a soft gentle breeze kissed me, sending a chill down my spine. I could no longer feel the scorching sun on my bare neck; the leaves rustled as if greeting someone. I opened my eyes to enjoy colorful dancing fluttering butterflies. The scenery had abruptly changed. The wind calmed my agonizing mind and the mesmerizing butterflies, took me down memory lane.

I was still a young immature being; barely 10 when I crossed his way or rather it was all part of a divine plan that drew me to that stranger.

The village I grew up in had a huge graveyard. I grew up hearing all sorts of sordid tales, especially, those types that adults would use to caution us from wandering there. But those tall tales never deterred my brothers and I to sneak into the wild cemetery; celebrating our childhood as explorers discovering a new land.

One bright afternoon, hopping merrily back from school, I was driven by an unknown urge to have a walk in our favorite "park”, for this was how we had named the cemetery. The sporadic chirping of the birds and my footsteps on the dry leaves constantly broke the solemn silence. Treading on the avenue, the huge trees fluttered freely. I just loved the kind of coldness I feel around trees. The world was unrealistically real to my 10-year-old fertile mind. I greeted them, believing there dwelled beings hidden in them all. If I mistakenly brushed against a leave I would stop and bow down to say “sorry”. I marched, looking here and there, wishing I had a friend with whom I could play hide and seek or who would help me get those juicy mangoes dangling so timidly.

" hmmmm," I let out a deep sigh, and kept eyeing those tempting red mangoes who were proudly embellishing those different hues of green of the trees.

" I can help you if you want, " the giggles of an odd voice broke my contemplation, startling me. He had a very distinct kind of pleasant fragrance. The kind of smell that captured my senses.

I turned sideways to see the village wanderer. Well, we had been guarded against talking to him as he was the lunatic being who stayed among the deads: in the boneyard.

We all know that whatever is forbidden is most desired by us. If we want to refrain a child from doing something, we just have to name it, and lo! He will up be doing right the contrary.

All these myths built and rumored around that man somehow had always kindled my curiosity and my awe for him. He was suddenly there, right in front of my eyes. My gaze met his and the mangoes became just a faraway chapter.

Clad in a spotless black robe, his huge penetrating eyes enthralled me. His long beard added to his allure of a mystic. Maybe he was in his 40s.It’s difficult for a kid to make out these things; it’s either younger than him or old. That’s it. That man was older than me. After 20 years, now, my memory reminded me that he seemed ageless. Memories can not be always reliable. With time, we gather so many things within us, that thing fade or we just re-shape events to suit our conveniences.

Despite me, I felt a heat mounting thru my spine and an incredible joy bubbling within. He had those eyes that seemed to peep deep down into one's soul. Recalling that melodious encounter, still amazes my senses, replenishing me with gratification for having met him that fated day. His lips smoothly curved into that childish smile and a familiar bond was already flickered.

" why you stay in hell?" 10-year-old me blurted out.

He looked amused and broke into an infinite peal of laughter.

" what you mean by hell?" He queried between chuckles.

" I don't know. You stay among the deads. You have no house. I guess it must be hell here", I mused out.

He gently signaled me to be seated under the shady refreshing enormous mango tree.

My eyes lit and were all smiles.It felt so good to have a friend.

" we can be friends, isn't it? I mean I was just wishing for a friend to be here and help me get one of those. So, we are friends?" I excitedly stammered.

"You believe there is such a place as heaven or hell?" His voice was soothing.

I grimaced and nodded a " yes".

" You know? There was that extremely rich man who passed away one day..." he started.

" And he went to heaven?" I broke in the middle of his sentence.

Immediately, realizing how loutish I was, I whispered a " sorry" which he acquiesced with one of those compassionate beam.

" He was a man who had achieved all that someone desires on earth. He had gained everything a human would customarily aspire for: fame, money, health, carnal desires, awesome kids and a doting wife. That man had relished all the mundane pleasure available on earth. He had what people, normally, would call a heaven," he pursued his story.

I was captivated. All kids are, especially, when someone is weaving a promising narration. You just need to have an excellent story-teller, just like that awesome being I had met some 20 years ago.

" After his death, he was waiting in the lobby for someone to indicate him where he would go now, since he was dead. Few minutes later, God came. Looking at the man, God exclaimed, “Tell me, have you ever sinned?”

The man replied unflinchingly, “Yes I have. I have murdered to win. I have cheated people; I have drowned in all those your scriptures are against. I have enjoyed life in all its splendor; I gave in to lust, anger, greed, attachment and the list is inexhaustive.”

God was deeply astonished as usually people would list all their good deed.
” So, you are that I am sending you to hell?”

“But this is where I come from: HELL! I have been living in that hell for so long,” voiced an tormented soul.

God was more perplexed. He drew a long breath.

“Fine. So, I’ll send you to heaven,” God chuckled.

“But even there I’ll be carrying my hell and it would be hell not heaven. Don’t you see that it’s all within me? I turned everything into hell!” the man broke into tears.”

The man in the black robe had his eyes shut and I wondered what he was thinking of.

“But is there a place called heaven where you have fairies…” was all my 10 years old brain could figure out.
The man in the black silky robe, ruffled my hair and I saw those deep eyes, brimming with kindness I had never experienced earlier.
“You are so young. But one day, it will be of use to you. You are such a keen listener and that’s more than enough. Just remember, that we create our own hell or heaven. Its all wrapped up in our mind and emotions. It’s all up to us. We end up being in places that we choose. So, choose with awareness.”

I lowered my gaze, sulking. I remember having felt like an idiot yet so much filled with love.

“Enjoy your mangoes,” the words echoed before I had the chance to catch a glance of that saintly lunatic figure.

Some mangoes were at the place where the man had been seated earlier.

Had I dreamt of it? Had I imagined that man?

But who has time to ponder upon insignificant things? I carried on with life.

The thoughts of that day, which I had completely forgotten, had suddenly come alive. I had dismissed that incident as an absurdity of my mind. I inhaled profoundly and lengthily and exhaled as silently as possible. Well, even if it had been just a fragment of my magical world; even if it was just my mind playing me tricks, it did work. I felt light as the dancing breeze. The remembrance of that man in black robe had overwhelmed my senses. A sense of peace descended.

“We create our own hell or heaven. It’s in your mind…” the words of my imaginary friend rolled at the back of my mind.

I savored each word, letting them seep into my being.

Eyes closed, I ventured in the dark alleys of my mind, with a taste of serenity, which had rarely delighted my being. I encountered no dark clouds; it was a blue sky. Suddenly, it dawned upon me how entangled I had been in my thoughts and emotions; how it was not about others. My whole being humbled. It was like a dew falling on a withering leave. I was invaded with a sense of gratitude.

My eyes shot wide opened. What was the utility of an escape? From whom I was running away? It would come down to square one.

I broke into an uncontrollable laughter, enjoying each second of it.

“The mind,” I shouted to the world. “If only I could go beyond the mind and emotions,” I inwardly clanged to that wish.

An evocative scent pushed me to turn around and I noticed fresh footsteps on the damp sand.
My heart missed a beat.

Raising my eyes, I was hypnotized at the figure walking away. It was the man in the black robe. I stumbled to my feet, my whole body shaking and I called out to him…
