

To the one whom i cherish as best friend.

I giggle alone; at times i would burst out in laughters remembering the days that are now far gone.

They seem so distant those days when we would spend endless times hanging out:
Those nocturnal adventures with the gang;
How you would just drive us around;
The unplanned picnics;
Those delicious delicacies;
Simply stopping by at the hawkers to enjoy the chana puris;
Your melodious voice enthralling us into a world so unknown yet magnificently appealing.
How you would be so mischievous and keep pulling the boys' legs while I always remained secured and would laugh at your jokes.

Our ups and downs all in the same package, while I would flinch but you would be sturdy.

I always running to you for all the times I shed tears(something i still do); being assured by your appeasing words and presence( something which you still do).
No matter how difficult,you somehow always made and still makes things so simple and easy.

When I relive all those am filled with solace yet a tiny part of me sigh...
Realising that time has changed and so have situations.

Now, under the enormous responsibilities you hold, our talks have become rare; no picnics; no escaping to our interminable ballads.

Yet, I always find you close; if not closer than ever.
For distance has a weird and beautiful way of binding true friends.

For no matter what, whenever someone says the word " best friend " its only your divine smile that flashes in my heart, lifting up my spirit to heights which only you are able to.