

Quick weight loss
Losing weight is hard and quite challenging. So I've got tips to follow.

1. Drink lemon water regularly 10-12glasses per day
2. Eat small amounts, slowly and chew till can't chew no more
3. Do exercises everyday for an hour
4. Suck on lemon wedges after every meal and only eat 3 meals per day
5. Focus on fruit, vegetables and protein
6. Limit carbs and dairy
7. Avoid saturated fat, sugar and salt
8. Burn 1000 kcals per day
9. Eat 1500 kcals per day or less
10. Control stress levels
11. Avoid overeating by keeping busy
12. Eat at meal time 07:00 breakfast, 12:00 lunch 17:00 dinner
13. Don't do fasting
14. Take up running, jogging or walking
15. Write everything down and check nutritional facts on products, keep a diary of progress.

By following these you should lose a stone or even more in weight in a month.