

chapter 2
What the hell rape!! I have raped!!!
I know this is a dream, I'm dreaming it will get over soon and everything will be fine. I just... Just... I don't know how to react to it, my full world was torn apart into small pieces. No matter how much I try to avoid it, try to think of it as a dream, but I know it's not a dream.
I know myself very well I can never do such work, but at the same time, I know at that time it wasn't me. I started doubting myself, I was drunk, I have no idea what happened after that. I don't know even how I reached home! In this condition how can I trust myself?
Now my body started getting cold, I'm A RAPEST!!
And at the same time, I started feeling some pain in my back, limbs and even in my neck. I couldn't find what was the reason. But now I discovered something few of my shart button wear missing and I could also see few bite marks on my chest and hands. I don't know what happened to me that time but I tried to cover them in a hurry under my buttonless shart. One of the police people has seen all this what I was trying to do. "hiding those won't make you innocent".
Will I be able to face myself ever?? I started feeling shame for myself. How will I face the world?? how will my parents face society?? what have I done this!!! for my mistake, my full family is going to suffer. And how will I ever face Priya??? Within a fraction of time, everything broke apart in front of me and I could do nothing to save it.
All this thought was going through my brain and suddenly stopped. One question arises, the girl whom I have... She must be suffering so much, how will she face the world. I'm a boy I can live with the guilt but what about that innocent girl, what was her mistake.., what I have done that don't deserve forgiveness. I made my mind I will do everything thing whatever needed to establish her back into society.
But who is she? Why can't I remember anything!! No. no... no... it's good I don't want to know any of those things that happened, I don't want to remember anything. I don't know what will happen to me, but I will do whatever is needed to make it right. After all, I'm not a bad person, I may have committed some mistakes but it wasn't intentionally. It wasn't the real me, I was lost. I was drunk.
As all this thought was running in my mind, meanwhile the van stopped in front of the police station...
To be continued

So what do you think is going to happen with Rana.
What could have happened in the party which led to this?..
Who is the unfortunate girl?
Will Rana remember what happened?
What do you think is Rana guilty?

© JP haldar