

She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left...at all. What the fuck am I feeling like this for ?.. At an inspection the grasp that she felt was slipping. The water beneath her was but a shed of unappreaciation that not only tore the life ,but also inhibited a guilt that changed everything .If dory was here then he would probably beckon me in. But since he's not I'm just gonna dangle here for a moment longer. ...At a cliff I probably wouldn't still make it ,but any way that's a jumping idea. The moment she stood up she knew that the whole intenseness of it all was stupid .Why stand here and take the bitter fall of it all ?Why would I do that? The suspiciousness of it all is not only tearing me apart it's killing me. Where was the water now, huh ! damn.... the water was so shitty. Just me and the you that's it, I'm not afraid any more. Dory was probably on the way you know, but if he wasn't then who cares. Enough of the old stuff will probably come to hunt him, if he doesn't come to grips with the ....
© Ronald R Woods Jr