

"India:the golden bird before Britishers".
One of my friend said that India is on 4th number in the list of world's longest railways country name just because of Britishers and also said Britishers developed India.So,this is the answer of his questions,:-

Everyone say's because of Britishers there was a huge railway system in India and India is worlds 4th largest country according to railway system but they don't knows Britishers implemented(contributed) approx 3 to 4 trillion$ of money building railway system and totally approx 8 to 9 trillion$ of money for doing all other developments in India but destroyed 732000 gurukuls and killed all saint and gurus who are teaching their,this much not only they looted kohinoor diamond which costs approx 10 to 12 billion$ and totally looted approx 45 trillion$ from India which are available in data(available as white loots) but no one knows that it was that much which they looted or more they looted?They have built railways but for themselves just to transport thier loots.Even they developed India,even they stopped many unnecessary rituals and practices they have looted India and if you knows about India then you have also an idea about India that India was the richest country in the world that time and famous by the name of Golden Bird ( सोने की चिड़िया).If you are not satisfied with my thoughts and writings then just google your every queries, hope you will find more than me.
© Premyogi
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