

Education is not only given the exams, but the purpose of the exams.
You have been sitting in an exam and the undue pressure besides the real pressure of the exam, it comes to you in the shape of your own uncertainty like what if I couldn't climb over it. So this is the method of exams in India- Pakistan, or in the sub-continent. The motive is not to give an exam, but how you concentrate and try to be open for the sake of improving your own self, but what openness would come, when already they have been suffocated by the tune that is constantly ringing in their mind, hi. Bring marks, brilliant marks. Your marksheet could be decorated but when that education is not going to build you from the mental aspect. Then that education is only stays important to the point of collecting a Degree only. And this is the thick mentality where the subcontinental people may only put a slogan that education is important. A Degree is a document that we use to let others down especially today, but you are only humiliating yourself.