

Love Means Believing
I love when believing, after hearing her melodic sounds of breathing. Every breath, she exhales, begins a renewed life. I imagine myself on a sandy beach in paradise. While there, I will send her love poems attached to a white dove. Once read, the words will reassure who I'm thinking of. I am live in the corridors of my heart, one moment is long enough for us to be apart. I will admire the sparkling diamond metaphor, in her eyes. As she becomes my morning coffee break, her magic caffeine keeps me energized. Love is believing, therefore I shall take it another step into the satisfaction of faith. When I see her, I believe. And if she's not there, faith is applied. Then I will dream of closeness. Inches apart. On an imaginary carpet soaring around the planet Mars. Our timeline is forever, And our desirable motivation is spent in a quiet place alone together. Where we will face one another. I am satisfied I need know other. Time taken alone. Love means believing.
© Daniel Mason