

Hotel Motel
I was amusing to see same hotel which was seen on dream last night.
We don't have other options to back home rather than accepting shortcut, due to lockdown effects all roads are blocked with a prolonged silence which was beared me a little awkward.
It's evening time we thought let's do this night to became adventurous staying at this hotel posting some pictures in social media. This is called new generation. After taking long breath I came out from car with them but my heart was breathing fast still I am smiling as always.
Finally we decide let's sleep all together in a room but my eyes were not close for while. Around 3.45 I thought it's close to morning I should go out to see the morning view to take some pictures before wake up them. I went to terance with a lots patience the chill morning which makes my mind so peace I saw a girl standing their wereing black suit messing hair I thought some wanderer like us. I go close to contact with her but
Oh my god it's me...
Not possible..
What the fuck !!
I am seeing myself..
Afterthat I don't know.
@priyadarshini panda.