

It's a sample size.
Remember in today's time or if in today's period. Someone comes and says to you, you can't do anything or there would be make nothing of you than it is the sample size of that mentality what we may have established in the subcontinental society by our own and on the other hand, we actually blow up the trumpet that we are turning into the advanced public or we talk about the public sector and we must be ashamed for even a minute. In the places or countries like India or Pakistan where every event straightaway gets connected as though. It is the question of life and death, or we wanted to set up the glitters around our respect in the subcontinent. We are notinsecure, instead it's the outlook and the mannerism with which people make themselves (Move), yes Move. We are not the people who go forward and India is also draining economically they might humiliate Pakistan on each step but the only blessing is that. That, India has the resources and it's a scintillating business Hub for the foreign market. Otherwise, the last 10 years aren't left a bit to make India stand along with Pakistan. Because the thinking level of Pakistani and Indian citizens is also quite similar.