

Last Train to a lost journey II
Sadhna continues "You promised you'll be by her side forever...What happened to you?"
He cried "I was afraid...I know I was the one who propose to her but when it was the time for commitment....I was bewildered "
Sadhna continues "But she wasn't..."
After two years of your relationship, you was afraid 😒😒 but she was so sure that she informed her parents about this and even called them to meet you" "You must be aware of this?"
"Yes, I am 😔😔"
She was from Jharkhand a small town, her parents shockingly scolded her and warned to take her back very soon. But you know she convinced them to meet you atleast once and then to decide. Luckily they agreed as well. But.....

Waiting at the station, Rachana was eagerly looking for her train to come. Since 18 years of her birth she had never been alone. Last time when she travelled was with her father who came to drop her at the hostel for her graduation in Delhi. Being born and brought up in Jharkhand, she never was able to explore new cities or new places by herself. Always her family was by her side to guide her.
The announcement quoted "The train from Jharkhand to Delhi is delayed by 2 hours and will reach at the platform number 3". Rachna was disheartened by this delay because her parents were coming after two years...her heart was beating so fast....". Somehow the train arrived after 5 hours delay during evening, she with a joyful hug welcomed them but they reluctantly smiled only.....Such was her situation. Her parents decided to meet you at the very first and then will go anywhere...she agreed....She reached your hostel and YOU Mr. RACHIT....YOU ... left her forsaken amidst darkness and emptiness .......She was so shocked with this betrayal of yours....and now you've got such audacity to ask for her after 5 years of your betrayal only because you are restless .....right??......I am so amazed how a girl like Rachna can be so dumb to choose a coward like you...I can guess what she saw in you.....😏😏😏".

"I AM SO SORRY....SO SORRY....TRULY SORRY " (cried he loudly)....I know I am a coward, scoundrel, a liar, a cheater, traitor every odd is me only...but it was very sudden I couldn't gain the courage to face her parents so early at our relationship stage.....Sadhna...pls...tell me na...what happened to Rachna....is she alive or dead....pls....where she is???

"Oh Mr., she is not as coward as you are...she's a fighter...she though was shocked...and everyday she still regrets her life with you....but she is alive and is living a much better life which you could've ever been able to offer her."

After you betrayed her, she being numb was taken aback, a d her parents though relaxed of a betrayal that happened at an early stage rather than after marriage supported her. The patiently asked her to go with them for few days for a change....but she refused. She directed them to leave for Jharkhand that very evening and leave her at her condition. They believed her.

That day standing at the railway station she kept watching one train after another...coming and going....till it was time for the LAST TRAIN to come. She accepted her destiny and left it all upon fate and in the foggy night....she got lost with the train for years......

Where??...... You know na??....Where....?

Only last year she called me for a project of her. She got promoted to the senior secretariat level in the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare at the Union level in education department. This is her stature today. The train she sat in was a empty boggy which let her time to comprehend what happened to her and what chance she wants to bring in this society. She initially joined a NGO regarding women's mental health due to which one day the state minister noticed her efforts and invited her to join the ministry.

Just what then...her journey began towards accomplishment...your betrayal has given her a huge reason to work 24*7*12 for vulnerable sections mental health so that no other person decides to end its life just because of any petty reason.

"But I want her back in my life...I love her"

"Rachit, stop it now yrrr.... can't you let her happy the way she is....I heard her voice she was so satisfied and she clearly mentioned that she never wants to see your face....so don't ever try ... otherwise our friendship will end that day....Let her live peacefully now...."

😏😏😏😏" All these years I was in guilt of destroying someone's life and she is rather enjoying it by herself...It clearly suggest she never loved me, it was all a farce.....now, I am a cheater or she...?.....Thank God I left her...too ambitious a girl is never suitable for a happy married life"

"Rachit get lost from here....and from now on never show your face to me even.... People like you want your partner to commit suicide or to destroy their life to just prove you that they really love you???....This is what people like you expect.....I am so happy for Rachna today....She is leading by example....I bow to her....Every person should be like her...a fighter for life....one should not give anyone this much right to decide one's happiness....she understood it that night.....I am proud of her......"

"Now you get lost for ever......."
(He leaves and Sadhna slams the door at her face loudly......)

The end....

Thanks guys for reading.....

© Ritu