

The dark night..
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the fuel is low.. slowly my car stopped under a tree with a shake, I removed my seat belt and get down from car..
I observed that it was near a grave yard..slowly my heart beat increased and I started walking towards the road and I found something following me, I don't even dare to look back.
Suddenly street light are off, I turned on my mobile flash and started walking , I still observed someone walking and increased his speed to catch me, I started running and even something is chasing me , and I was at the end of the place and I was supposed to fall back, there is a well behind me. I fell into the well and I saw my grand father and grand mother there and I was shocked because they were dead 15 years back.They are coming closer to me with a knife and I was shouting help me,and they came too closer and I was shouting even more. my mom came and pour a bucket of water and shouted at me to wake up and then I realised it was all a dream. And the funny thing is I don't even have a car....