

Miss Misterious( part 1)
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush. Suddenly a man stood behind her,she asked him why he was following her.he just smiled and went away from there. she just take a breath and went to her room.
she sat on a chair and was reading a book.suddenly a thud sound came ,she thought it was from the window but few seconds later it came from the mirror. she got shocked and slowly she went to bed and covered fully with a bedsheet and slept calmly.
Next day while she was returning from the office the same man followed the previous day looking at her and when she came near to him .He asked her ,where was the lady that was walking with u yesterday?...
one second her heart started shooking and she went home, and when she was texting his friend she suddenly observed that someone is there with her in that room and she texted his friend about it and her friend informed to the police about it. and few seconds later his friend recieved a message that" she is fine".
but when the police came there they found no one .but she was killed and kept in a wardrobe.
Then...who send that message ????