

A Memory that changed my life
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
Or something?
She turnd the lights off and took a closer look with an old binoculars.
It was gone. That cant be.... She had seen something.... but what was it?
Her heart started pounding faster. Some cold wind blew in her neck from behind. Like some kind of breath. Again and Again.
Frozen adrenaline shots in her vains.
She prepared herself for the worst.
The creature was fast. Like she knew what will happen, she let herself fall to the ground. Above her head a big head opened fast his Mouth and closed it.
Only she knew that creature. She called by his Name, after keeping a safe distance between both.
She said:"Anxiety! Thats enough! Don't cause me more pain than necessary! I've been surching for you a long time. Now i found you. Turn back to my family. Happyness, Madness, Sadness and the others are missing you..."
The creature hisses:" And you think you can satisfy me like that? After you banned me? I will teach you a lesson, that you will never forget!"
Than it moved faster than the light and opens his mouth with the knife like tooths. It roars that the ground was shaking. She tried to scream. She felt it again the feeling of anxiety. Since that big Shock the creature was gone. But not for real. Its in her soul again.

She woke up. It was like a real Memory to her. She thought about it.
Anxiety can be both a shield of protection or a creature that rules your life. Be wise which one your feeding.