

a sad letter
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

Your skin, your touch and everything your made off, is now in a distant state. i miss every bit of your personality. Everything because of the reason off selfprotection. My selfworth shrinks into a broken piece of an unsolfed riddle. i feel like trash and i was the opinion that i can get over it very soon... BUT its diffrent. i eat alone. i life alone. i cry often alone. All because i didnt want to mess up my head, which is already at the edge of insanity.
But i keep on fighting. the only reason is, to see you walking. And i wish to see than a smile on your face and that your happy. i wish that from the bottom of my heart. I must admit that im not the one who will guide you. But i am the one that loves you the most.