

From poor to celebrity
Abijith panted fast and even fast. His father was looking for a taxi in which he and his wife could take Abijith to hospital. Abijith's mother Sharanya, was praying god with tears in har eyes.
Abijith was 8 years boy who was helping his parents in building construction or road construction work. Due to shortage of money he could not go to school. In money earned these years they decided to send him school next year but now Abijith have seriously injured in an bike accident and hurt his cardiac. Half an hour passed but no taxi as stopped when his father stopped. Abijith was not able breath. He passed away. His mother wept in his bloody chest. She started blaming god that why he didn't save her child. His father has disappeared. Sharanya wondered where her husband had gone suddenly. She searched him everywhere but she couldn't find him. After weeping continuously without a break she felt thirsty. She went to a pond near by carrying her dead son. she was about to drink water from water when she noticed her husband laying dead in pond. She immediately realised he has suicide. She once felt to jump into water like her husband but she stood bold. She left her dead son in water with her husband and she went away searching for a job. One of a company manager gave her a work of sweeping front yard of his company. she agreed gladly. One day a movie director came to that company for a movie shooting. By change he came to notice her. He found her face best suitable for movie hero's mother .
He gave her a invitation if she is interested in acting. She said she do.
Now sharanya is a celebrity with lots of fans. By then she had acted in many serial, movie and drama series. She thought if she commited suicide that day she could not have been in this place. Self killing is not the way self belief is the way......