

Conclusion of Journey towards womanhood.....
Conclusion of the four stories about Catherine, Sarah, Sareena and Carol. The conclusion is in the form of letters to these four women’s: (To read the stories scroll down) 1)Dear Catherine. Greetings!!!! You are beautiful creation of God. Don’t judge yourself according to your outer appearance. What is inside you is much valuable than outside. Your depth in thoughts, core values and your attitude towards life matters than any thing else. If you get a chance to marry to your dream man surely go ahead but if you don’t then don’t be discouraged as marriage should not be your only aim. Change your prospective, there are many things in life you can explore, enjoy and experience. Give a deaf ear to what people say or think about you. It is your precious one life and you have right to decide about it.. Keep up the good work and good will automatically find back a way to you.. Be cheerful, positive and full of life. 2)Dear Sarah. Greetings!!!! Sarah you are already a mother the day you were born. Women’s are mother by heart from birth, so only they are fond of dolls and play with it being their mother. Have a broad spectrum in life and think wide. There are many small babies and kids who needs Mother. May be God wants you to become a special mother of a special child. His plans are divine out of our mind and beyond human thinking. Small kids are kids, the way you teach and shape their life matters more than blood or gene. Don’t blame yourself as u did not make yourself. God created you and he has already Ordained your life, we just have to listen to his voice and follow. God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. Be positive, think wide, except the real life and its facts, make changes and move ahead. Don’t let your life stop near one stumbling stone as many you have to cross courageously. 3) Dear Sareena.. Greetings!!! Sareena I know you are very independent and strong girl. You are Mrs perfectionist and that’s one of the rare qualities. But do not expect same from others.. You both have not given justice to your marriage. To break anything is very easy but to maintain, it takes efforts. To construct anything we need to think, justify and give time. Marriage is an empty box. Both the partners need to fill in the box before they take anything out from it.. The more you fill the more you can take out of the box. The box needs to be filled with love, care, understanding, quality time, sacrifice, humility, comfort, motivation etc… Hope you understand it.. What God has joined together should not be separated by anyone including the couple. The biggest enemy of any marriage is Ego or Pride, let that never rule your marriage.. 4)Dear Carol.. Greetings!!!! You both make the cutest couple.. You are very good in parenting and have successed in Parenthood at the cost of your loss as a couple.. Never to forget that you are husband and wife first and then privileged to become Parents. How ever busy you are in all your responsibilities, you need to take time as a couple to spend quality time, to pour out your heart, to plan and construct future. As a couple if you are on one side, Parenting becomes an easy job. Don’t let this extreme level of frustration come in your life that you’re only good parents and lost your role as a husband and wife…
I hope you have enjoyed the stories of these four women’s. These were the random characters I choosed and put in my stories, not related to anyone or anybody’s life .. Women’s you all have immense strength to fight any kind of battle that comes in your way and to come out with doubled courage and strength hence you are Warrior Women #inspiring