

Sibling went to heaven
It was a brezzy cold night on October 8, 2005 , I was busy doing house work. I was in my living room folding laundry when I had a this weird feeling about something, I looked out my window and I seen a vision of a vehicle slamming into trees, I shook my head and asked myself what the
heck was that about? I ate dinner talked to my brother around 7-8pm he told me that he loves me and to call him once a week to make sure I was OK .What I did not like was at the end of the phone call he said goodbye!! He never says goodbye , he always said peace or peace out, He seemed happy as usual to me nothing strange came from his tone of voice,

I went to bed around 2:30am I woke up screaming and sweating I told my self I have to call my mom or sister ASAP!! Something is not right I felt it in my gut, then when my mom answered she told me my brother was killed by a drunk driver! I felt my knees buckle from me and I fell to the floor crying my eyes out, asking how can this be why ? why did God take my brother !! My hero my bestfriend !!??!! My brother who had a heart of gold!

I never in my life felt so empty!!
still to this day I almost feel as if I'm living a nightmare!

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