

Flying Days
A year ago when I moved to my new home state, I found the people who make me feel welcomed. And it seems like the year flew by, like I had no control, the speed seemed to great to slow down. But now, these days, these days are limited. First year of highschool, I know it will pass quick, so I'll take the time to think of each day. Each day a sweet word you would say, a gesture so loving, a moment so kind. I will take the time with these flying days where I will sit back, look at you, and know how much I love you. Because my dear friend, I care for you more than I planned to. I love you more than I thought I could love. So I will never take these days for granted, the days where we stand beside eachother, not a word but knowing how much we have grown.

When will you realize the importance of slowing down your life? Even in the worst-case scenarios, there is something to be thankful for. Think about it and write a tale about such.