

Dystopianople: Evolve- Chapter 3
I opened the door to Humphery’s office, to my surprise he was already at the door ready to leave. He held a roll of paper in hand, “Ah, Charlie. What’s the news?” He backed up, letting me in. Suspicion grew in me, “About that night weeks ago… where are you going with that?”
He walked through the door, “Tell me the news while we walk.” He walked rather fast, making me almost run to keep up, “I found something last night, when we were hunting we ran into a Stalker.” Humphery Glanced back at me, “I heard about Charles… but he wouldn’t be killed so easily.”
A sickening sorrow burrowed in my chest as I remembered his body torn open as he still breathed, “I found a different, more powerful type of Stalker. It looked kind of like a wolf but bigger than a standing bear. It had these… spines.” He glanced back as he led me through a hall of a different part of another hidden building. I didn't focus to realize it but I continued, “When it vibrated them it made a humming that made Charles run into the forest, to run to that monster.”
Humphrey’s eyes narrowed, “How did you find out?” My words were hollow, “It happened to me… but I forced myself out of it to hide.” I realized that we were at the end or a doorless hall, “Where are we? Humphrey?”
He opened the paper, revealing instruction in an unknown language. Then he pressed his hands on the wall, “I have my business here, Charlie. It’s best if you go back to your duties.” I opened my mouth to speak but closed it, I turned around and walked out of the hidden hall.
Just as I started to walk a hissing release of air blew behind me. Looking back at Humphrey, an outline of a door released air from the corners. As the door hissed open he rolled the paper and stuffed it into his coat’s pocket, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” His voice was excited and eager.
I stood in awe as Humphery opened the door, turning and looking at me. His dark eyes were stretched from his wide smile, “I found it…” I stared through the door, frozen in shock, “What is this?” Humphrey gave a chuckle and walked through the door. In a panic I followed.
I looked around the large room that glowed green, all around the room was oddly new and clean medical beds and supplies. And behind a large curtain a bright green glowed. I backed up from it as Humphery pulled the curtain. Along the wall were twelve large green canisters full of green liquid, the frozen bubbles in it were a light purple.
Beside it was a desk, in the chair all that sat there was a journal. Unfamiliar curiosity sparked in me, as Humphery awed over the canisters I quickly grabbed the journal and tucked it into my jacket as Humphery turned around. Humphrey’s dark eyes looked down at me, “I found the weapon…”
I hesitated to meet his overpowering gaze, “Weapon… for what?” His reply came in an instant, “Stalkers, it can defeat them.” The thought seemed unthinkable, making my eyes narrow in suspicion. I turned and walked out of the room, “We’ll see…”
Later I found myself hidden behind a fallen dripstone, I sat staring at the book. Without hesitation I opened to the first page, and briefly flipping through the pages all there were was words. Flipping back to the first page I began to read.
The words were thin as it read, “Vol 16, All my research has come to an end, my final project will be left for those who find it. This place is falling apart, it isn't safe, they will be here soon. I’ve created something that will stop what I created, before they come I will write about all of the canisters.” I quickly skimmed to where it started about the first canister, “Container #1, The abilities held in this one are more powerful than the others, we took the common unicorn, native to the highlands, and came up with the power contained in this one. This container, after 5 generations, will result in its final stage of power. Giving leanness, hooved feet, rotating ears, dark eyes, and none other than the ability to cast a vast amount of taught spells and magic.”
I skimmed over the rest, only soaking the information I needed, “Container #2, This container contains the essence of the common yardcat. Incredible speed and agility will be at its peak in only generation stage 3. Its size is decreased because of the strength and agility gained.”
I continued to the next part, “Container #3, Taken from the average brown bear, large in size and power are gained. Because of the physical increase, mental IQ and problem solving are the lowest of all the container’s, and are complete in power during the 8th generation. Container#4, Similar to the redwood greywolf, this container gives a larger in size build with a wolf-like appearance. The wolf takes 4 generations to be peaked in power and will give a werewolf appearance with more human shape as all the containers keep when given to the infants.”
My eyebrows narrowed, “Given to infants? This is supposed to be put into people?” I read through the book, reading the rest of the fifth through the twelfth containers including the genes of a frog, raven, dove, snake, spider, rat, rabbit, scorpion.
Just before I closed the book a piece of paper slid out from the last page. The paper danced down, landing in my lap. I picked up the paper and placed it in the book to read it, it read, “Container #13” Just as the surprise hit me a voice called my name, “Charlie!”
I slammed the book close, I folded the paper and stuffed it into my pocket. I stood up just as Bryann, another group member, was about to jump over the fallen stone, “Oh! Please come quick!” A sort of urgency quivered in his tone, “It’s Brent…”