

I was just looking at my phone in my pocket when I saw an old man lying on the street, I was about to go and give him a food when I saw someone.

It's a group of people. They literally stop just to look at the poor old man, a thought that they will help him I stop walking and just watch them.

"P-please give me food and w-water." I am really really sad for him but I thought they will help but no.

"Come on come on take a picture of him!" A girl said to a boy he cling with. I look at them as they took a picture of an old man.

"Great! Let me get a caption!" A girl said with full of excitement. I frowned."Please help this--"

I didn't let them finish what they started. I get their phone."Hey! You snatcher!"

"You stay where you stand." I said in a strong voice. I look at the phone. They supposed to post it on facebook with a caption of some sympathy."Really? You posted this when you didn't even help him or give him even just a water for real? Gosh. I can't believe."

"What if we do that huh? We still did help him by posting it so everyone should know!" I nod and walk towards to a girl.

"You didn't even put an address or what, you didn't even asked for his permission or consent you have the guts?" They look at me, death glare to be exact."You will just post this so you will gain reacts and shares. You didn't even help him to sit or what. Where's the humanity? In facebook? Social media? You just all brainwashing everyone who wanted to help for real."

"He should be thankful that we pictured him so everyone should be aware! You are the one who didn't help." I get his hand and give him the phone and glaring at them.

"Don't even say a word, I have no patience for you. Leave before I will post all your pictures. Take note without your permission so will feel what he feel." I smile sarcastically and they all went pale and leave the hell out."These pretentious bitch."

"You calm down, hija. T-thank you for helping me." I look at the old man who is looking at me, I shook my head and help him sit.

I look at my sister whose looking at me while holding a water, clothes, and food. I smile at her and she smiled back."No worries. They will not going to post you, I deleted the pictures and uninstall the facebook, rest assured. By the way she is my teacher she have a home for street people like you."

"I am here to say that I will going to fetch you, grandpa." My sister sit beside grandpa without even think about where she was sitting.

"Is that so? I am always watching you, everytime you will leave that b-building you always stare at me and always ordered someone to give me foods and all." The grandpa smile while I am very shock at my sister's attitude.

"You did saw me? Wow. I wanted to help you because I know you are fragile. Sorry for keeping you waiting grandpa, my home is still in progress that time so I just fetch you now." The grandpa close his eyes and at tears. I smile and wipe my tears too.

"T-thank you so much. Thank you." My sister hug him and there's a people who is watching and taking a picture, I look at them and shook my head as a sign that they should respect our privacy.

We should not be fooled to the some posts in social media, we don't know if they are just fooling around, two faces, or do it just for the reacts and shares.

Famewhores are everywhere, they will literally do everything to gain fame to be famous as what they wanted. We should help first before anything else, let's be helpful in a simple way.

The hands we lean for them is a big help. Humanity will form even just a little in a simple things we do as a human. Help without them knowing, just help.

We all need humanity.

We need more people like them✖

We need to be like them✔

© Skyler