

The dyslexic girl
Jenny was a sweet girl. She was the best daughter. She was one light of her parent's life. She had always been a healthy girl. She had some developmental issues. She was diagnosed with dyslexia and other developmental challenges. She was smart but had some cognitive issues. She had trouble with book learning. She would not let it hinder her. She listened to things in audio format.
She was stubborn. She was determined. She needed extra help but she got good grades. She loved to learn. She was determined to make something of herself. She wanted to contribute to society. It would have been easier for her to just get a job but she did not want to do that. She wanted to go to college. She wanted to prove herself. She wanted to prove that she could do it. She wanted to succeed.
She was accepted to a college. It was not a prestigious one but it was very respectable. She believes it could get her where she wanted to go. She applied for financial aid. She should have got help. she thought she could fill it out on her own. She did not understand some of the questions. There were discrepancies in her answers.
She should have gone it over before it was submitted. She did not do that. The discrepancy was discovered. An overzealous prosecutor in the d.a's office decided to prosecute her. She could get three years in prison. The d.a intended to make an example of her. She intended to pull no punches in her prosecution of Jenny.
"The d.a does not want to bring this to trial. It is small potatoes. She is not going to drop the case. She wants this to establish a pattern of fighting fraud. " her lawyer jess weber said. "So what do we do?" She asked.
The lawyer met with her in the conference room. Jenny wore an orange jumpsuit and was barefoot. "The d.a wants to plea this out. One year in prison. Two years probation. " jess said."a year? "She said.
" I know it seems like a long time. It will be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. It will be over before you know. When you on the other side it will be a distant memory. "Jess said.
"A whole year. I made a mistake. I was not trying to defraud the federal government. " she said.
"You can't fight city hall. Angela gray is good. She can indite a Jan sandwich and convict one. Take the deal. Do you want to take this to trial? What if you're convicted? You could be in prison for three years. " jess said.
She did not want to take the deal. She was scared of a conviction. She could not afford a vigorous legal defense. She decided that the sooner, she started the sentence, the sooner it won't over. She had been free on bail. She had her lawyer inform a gala gray that she had accepted the deal.
She was to surrender after a month. During that month, she got her affairs in order. She set up a commissary account. She spent time with her brothers and sisters. she especially spent time with her newborn sister.
She watched her favorite television shows. She watched her favorite movies. She went to her favorite fast-food restaurants. She tried to do things she enjoyed. She spent time with her boyfriend. He promised to be faithful to her while she was incarcerated. He promised to write her letters and call her and visit her.
The night before she was to surrender, her family made her favorite meal. She loved meatloaf. They made it the way she liked it. Her family tried to cheer her up. They wanted her to have good memories to take into the pokey. They hired these memories would sustain her and help her through it. They hoped it would give her something to look forward to when she got out.
She has trouble sleeping that night. She wanted a good night's rest. This would be the last time in her bed for a year. She had no idea how the bed would be. Would be a cot or an actual bed. Would it be comfortable at all? She knew almost nothing about prison except for the time she spent in the county jail. She did finally get to sleep. She slept through the night.
She wore a night gowan to bed. She woke up to her alarm. She got right out of bed. She took shower. She loved showers. She knew that showers in prison would usually with cold water. They did not have a lot of time. You got in, soaped up then got out. She tried to just enjoy the warm water. She tried to just live in the moment. She did not want to think about what was about to happen at that instant.
She had some cofee. Her dad made her favorite breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes. Despite what lead about. to happen, there was still laughter. Her five-year-old brother was always the source of laughter. He was silly. He was usually appropriate but sometimes he got carried away. She would so miss him. She was glad she had that memory. She was grateful to matty for that.
She put on a gray set shirt over a green t-shirt and jeans. The jeans had ripped. she did not want to wear anything she cared about in case it got lost or damaged. She did not even wear a watch. She did not wear any jewelry. she usually wore a necklace her mom gave her. She put on flip flops. Her parents offered to drive her to the prison. She did not want that. Her sister Heidi was going to drive her to the prison.
She had seven siblings. She held her baby sister. She kissed her. Her parents took pictures of her with Gracie. She hugged maty her five-year-old brother. He huge her seven-year-old sister. Then she hugged her 9-year-old brother, her 11-year-old sister, and her 14-year-old brother.
She hugged and kissed her parents. They promised to write, call and visit. She knew that they would. They told each other they loved them. She said goodbye to the family. dog. the dog seemed to know something was up. She and Heidi left.
She took one last look around the home. she took a deep breath and left. She and Heidi went to the car. It was a half-hour drive from the house to the prison. She was supposed to be. Going to college but instead, she was going to prison. The car sped away from the driveway.
Heidi tried to. District Jenny. She made a playlist of some of jenny's favorite music and good traveling music. They sang. along. Heidi tried to turn it into a road trip.
Things got quiet when they saw the sign of the prison. Her knees knocked and she started to shake. Heidi squeezed her hand. "It's going to be ok," Heidi told her. They were admitted inside. The gate went to. Hedi parked right outside the administration building.
"I love you sissy. Anything you need just ask." Hedi said. "Thank you, sis. I love you." She said. They hugged. They kissed on the forehead. She got out. She watches her sister leave. She waved. When the car was out of eyeshot, she took a deep breath and went in.
She opened the door and went inside. she had the paperwork in hand. "Hello, I am jenny backman." She said. She handed her the paperwork. She looked it over. She typed her name date of birth and inmate number. "I have you right here!" The receptionist said.
"I am going to have you sign in. I have to warn you that once you do, you will officially become a prisoner. You can't leave after that. " the receptionist told her. "I understand," she replied.
She signed in. She signed a piece of paper admitting her into the facility. She printed off an is a bracelet. She had her put in on her. She told her to. wait while she got the gourd.
She sat down and read a two-year-old magazine. All. of the information was way out of date. After a few minutes, the officer came out. "Jenny!" The correctional officer asked. She got up. "That's me!" Jenny said. "I am an officer Karen." She said. she asked her to follow her. She followed the officer.
They went to intake. "I need you to get undressed. Everything needs to come off!" Karen said. She kicked off her flip-flops. She took off her sweatshirt. She then took off her t-shirt. The officer examined the garments. She unzipped her button. She's pulled her jeans to her feet then she took them off. She unhooked her bra and pulled it off. She pulled her panties down and then took them off.
She was instructed to pull her hair out of the ponytail and shake it. Karen put gloves on and searched her hair. She had her cough as she checked her but. She was given an enema. A saline solution was put in her rectum. She had to blow a balloon and release it. It was not fun. Karen wiped her off.
She was taken to a tub. She had her get in. she washed her neck. She washed her upper body. She washed her boobs. It felt weird. It was humiliating but it also felt good. "Your a big aroused. " Karen said. She did not want to answer but said kinda." it's fine. It's normal. "She said.
She washed her belly. She washed her vigina. She washed her legs and feet. She washed her back. She washed the back of her legs. She put shampoo on her hair. She dried her off with a towel.
She took her to the intake. She had her put her hair back in a bun.
She gave her an orange bra and panty. They had the prison name and her id number. " where is the rest of my uniform?" she asked. "Sorry honey. That is all you are alowed to wear," she said. She did not like just the thought of just wearing her undies. She put it on. She was shackled.
She found it hard to walk while shackled. She tried to make the best of it. She arrived in her cell. She came in. The door was locked. Sge cringed.
"Hi, I am your cellmate. I am Meagan." She said. She hugged her. "I am 18. I am here for shoplifting. I Am here for a year" she said. She explained her crime.
There was not much to do. They talked. They shared stories of their childhood. They made up games. She liked her cellmate. She seemed to like jeny. They were in their cell most of the time. Jeny did not mind being in her cell most of the time.
Her parents and older family and her boyfriend came to visit. she felt weird about being seen in just her underware. her boyfriend had never seen her half-naked. They were not alone with each other. they would not have sex until they were maried. She did feel weird about her parents seeing her that way. She got used to it.
She tried to make the best of things. She hoped it would go by fast.
The end
This is a work of fiction and fantasy. This is in no way reflective of reality.