

It breaks the heart to the core,it entices pain,agony,rage,abuse,greed ,self discovery,anxiety at a whole new level.Every single person reacts different to the situation,in as far as the heart and emotion is concerned.Here are some fact to highlight this staments.
To some, it becames toxicity, an act of being possessive and abscessed with their loved one.They take hold of their lovers lives,by simply using love as a weapon, to weaken the emotion of the other partner,without knowing, they simply fall into it.In other times,it seems quiet impossible to break free and became dangerous, one of the signs is physical,emotional abuse.It's possible to break free while the signs are at the early stage,otherwise, death becomes the result of this kind of love.
Some get lost inbetween time,It flies for a while yet the mind can't comprehend this fact,it feels like outer space where time is limitless.some call it dreppression or trauma,yet none seems to move but stored at one place.The matter of fact is,when they got the wrong expectations from love,They hide from the world and get lost in their heads.It takes rehabilitation to loose the screws,otherwise support from loved one and going through a phase of self discovery again would eventually work.
In other times,some break free, due to the fact that they feel suffocated to a toxic relationship.Although it hurts,and feels as if they only taught their hearts to love, the heart gets tired and the mind decides to rip away.Just a reminder,it does not happen over night,but it takes patient and time to lure in an ounce of strength and fully discover who you were before this.
Falling in love is very special, our heart is not at fault, but the person whom we give our to, its either they are a source of distraction or strength.love is not worth at the cost of losing one's life,love is not blind, its us who choose to close our eyes,while ignoring some indicators that will completely poison one's life.It is as wise to be smart,knowing your worth, not bending your morals when it comes it,purely there are different kind of people they would love someone without a price but being attracted by the beauty of your soul.
© mariahashei