

The Dancing Shoes
It was getting difficult for me to do those steps . I was getting worried every moment that miss Kelly would scold me and then she would tell me to go stand at the back . my heart was pounding loudly because I was not doing some ballet steps properly. " No no Cristene darling , not like that . " miss Kelly told me . " it's like this , one two three ,and jump and one two three and jump and swirl , swirl , swirl. ok ? you have to keep your hands like this . " miss Kelly told raising my arms a little higher and showing me how to jump . I did it again after she showed me . yes , yes yes like that . " you will soon get even better at it girl " she told me as I was dancing. as soon as I reached home I called Karla and told her to be at my house before 5 . I showed her how I was doing . she was my best friend and we went to the ballet class together . she was a little better than me . I turned around and jumped a little and my shoe pulled me back . I slipped and fell . And I was lucky to fall on a very soft carpet . " oh Cris ! ( that's what she calls me Cris ) said Karla . my shoe tore badly and my knee got a little hurt , there was just a little drop of blood . the next day I went to many shops to get my new ballet shoes . but I did not get any . the last shop we went in was very big . it had hundreds of shoes . every colour , every shade , every kind and any size . they all were beautiful . When we went on the counter , there stood a very old woman and she told us , " welcome little girlies , you can check out the shoes here . You will sure find your fit . But please do not go up those stairs , and you can check out anywhere else girls . " she said pointing towards a little corner where there were very thin stairs which I never noticed . those were coffee brown in colour . I observed them closely . I went a little more closer towards those stairs and noticed a little light shining . " whooooa " I said . we checked out a lot of shoes but I was so confused between which to choose because all of them were very beautiful . after a couple of minutes , Karla called out my name , Hey Cris ! ,check this out . I went towards her and asked her that ," check out what ? " . Look at the strong and shiny light coming from up the stairs . " She replied.
let's go and see what they actually are . she said pulling my hands up those stairs . I reminded her that we were not allowed to go over there but then I realized that agreeing with her was better than arguing with her so I did what she said . we were making a lot of noise so I was really afraid if the owner would find out

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