


Chapter 1

I wake in the dark so hot and sweaty with achy bones, I climb out of bed and stumble downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water, my body temperature seems to be rising, I'm getting hotter and hotter, at first I don't understand what's happening, am I sick? This can't be normal. Then I realize it's finally happening, I'm finally shifting for the first time. I scull down 3 glasses of water before running outside and stripping off my clothes, running as fast as I can under the moonlight my shift begins as I make it to the tree line.

I'm sprinting on all fours through the trees, all my senses are heightened, I stop running to howl at the moon, I hear sticks snapping and the thump of a heart beat to my right, I run full speed towards the sound and find a deer drinking from the creek, my heart is pounding in my chest, my wolf instincts kicking in telling me to attack, I've never killed an animal before, never eaten one raw either, it's tradition to kill and eat an animal on your first shift, generally you have a parent or guardian there but i have no one. It attempts to flee but Instincts kick in and I launch on the deer, ripping at its throat until it goes limp, blood flows from the wounds, what now i think to myself, I guess now I just eat it. Where to start, I feel silly, this is suppose to be natural to me but it isn't, I don't know where I'm suppose to eat, my ears perk at the sound of something behind me, startled I turn around and growl, only to find a much larger, blueish grey wolf in front of me, he moves around me and nudges at the deers chest. I don't understand, i continue to stare at him, waiting for him to do something, he turns back to the deer and tears open it's chest exposing it's heart, he looks to me then nudges the deer with his paw. The heart, I'm supposed to eat the heart, I rip it out of the deers chest, chewing and swallowing it whole, to my surprise I'm not totally repulsed by the fact I just ate a deer heart, I actually kind of enjoyed it. The wolf stares into my eyes, I feel something, pulling at my heart, his eyes are beautiful blue grey like his fur, who do I know with eyes that colour, I don't know, but there's something about this wolf, he breaks eye contact and howls at the moon then he takes off further into the woods, I think he's going to disappear but he stops and turns back towards me, he make a noise that's signals me to follow him, we take off running through the woods, where he is leading me I don't know, but I feel so alive right now.

We slow down and enter a cave, it's dark in here but my eyes adjust to the wolf jumping into the water and coming up a man, I can't make out his face though, he backs further into the shadows, "jump in, the water is lovley, it's my favourite thing to do after a shift" his voice deep and husky. I stand there a while, unsure wether to get in with him or not. He floats around in the dark quietly waiting, I close my eyes and take a deep breath and decide to jump in before I can think anymore about it, I shift as I hit the water, I come up for air and push my hair from my face, I feel amazing, it must be because of the shift. Staying where the moon shines through I decide to ask " does it always feel this good" "always" he says from the shadows.

I swim towards him into the darkness, he's resting his arms on the rocks, his muscular torso barely visible in this corner of the cave. "Why'd you help me" I ask out of curiosity "how'd you know I was in the woods" I see him smile as if remembering "i saw you running naked from my window" he says with amusement in his voice, my cheeks heat with embarrassment, I try to hide it " what were you doing up so late" I'm startled when he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close, a hot tingling sensation comes with his touch, we're not close enough that our parts are touching though. My breathing accelerates and I gasp when I recognise who is in front of me "Tyler what are you doing" what is the next in line alpha of the pack doing with me, "silly girl" he sounds annoyed "don't you feel this between us" he puts my hand on his heart, it's beating wildly in his chest, and there is that tingling sensation again "I woke to your stress and anxiety, I knew you were finally shifting... Seth, we're mates" at his admition I gasp and rip my hand back from his chest, his arm around my back prevents me from fleeing though "shhh.. We can't be together until you are of age, but you are mine, I accept you, do you accept me" i swallow then slowly nod, his hand cups my face and he slowly leans in close, his lips brush gently against mine, I've never kissed a boy, though Tyler is no boy, but a man of 20 years, as I kiss him back his lips grow more demanding, his grip on me tightens, the whole world ceases to exist right now, the hot sparks coming from our lips and his hands on my face feel so good I'm completely lost, until suddenly he pulls away, leaving me panting for more "we should go" he says breathlessly before turning away and swimming to the edge and pulling himself out.

I can't help but stare, I saw everything, his body is amazing, standing at 6'3 he's muscular all over, his brown hair buzzed around the sides, his curly hair wet and slicked back on top. He grabs a towel and starts to dry off, I swim to the edge but don't get out, Tyler wraps his towel around his waist and grabs me a dry one, he holds it out while looking the other way. I quickly climb out and wrap the towel around me before turning around and drying off "here you can wear my shirt" I turn to see he's dressed in black sweatpants holding a massive black long sleeve shirt. I take it and slip it on before removing the towel, I have no undies but the shirt is more than long enough to cover everything, it sits just above my knees "come on, I'll walk you back"

We walk back to the pack house in silence, he walks me to the same door I came out of, I enter the kitchen and turn to say goodbye " you done really well tonight, your parents would be proud" he says in a soft voice before reaching out and brushing my lower lip with his thumb

I rush up to the bedroom I share with Natasha and bust through the door, we have the biggest room since we're the only ones sharing. Her double bed is on the right side and mine is on the left. While her bed and pillows are bright and flowery mine is plain black, we each have a desk and laptop for studies, her desk is cluttered with all her arts stuff, she's really into drawing and painting, I'm usually in the greenhouse tending to the plants when we're not at school. Tash is a heavy sleeper so I jump onto her bed and jump around her "guess what guess what guess what" I chant until finally she stops moaning and opens her eyes then sits up "oh my god Seth what" I start to dance around "i shifted last night AND I met my mate Natasha!" I practicly scream at her, she jumps up and hugs me " oh my god who is your mate" she asks, her excitement matching my own, after all, what are best friends for "you'll never guess" I tell her shaking my head, before she can guess I blurt it out. At first she's shocked because of our age difference but I assure her nothing will happen until I'm 18. I let her know about our steamy kiss and she complains because she hasn't met her mate yet and she's 2 years older than I am. "Now we can do finally go for runs together, and you can be my partner when we do pack exercises, oh my god what colour is your wolf" she asks excitedly, I laugh at her "i don't know I couldn't see myself idiot" we both laugh and I start to jump on the bed again

I'm to be branded with our pack symbol tonight, on my 15th birthday. I'm nervous but so excited to officially be part of the pack. I only wish my parents were here, they were killed when I was only 10, though I've never been told the details. What Tyler said meant alot, my parents were valued members of the pack so when they passed our alpha took me in. I'm the youngest of the bunch living in the pack house, there's Tasha, she's 17 then there is Jackson, he's 23, Maggie is also 17, and Max is 26. We all do our part around the house, I was tasked with tending to the gardens, I do have quite the green thumb now and I really enjoy it. I change into my school uniform then head to the bathroom so Tash can braid my long blonde hair, she adds a black ribbon to the end of each braid, "so pretty" she says before kissing my cheek and heading downstairs, her chore is feeding everyone. Instead of heading down I stare at myself in our floor to ceiling mirror Natasha bought over from her grandma's house. My eyes are a light green, my lips are full and naturally red, my skin is pale and my hair is curly blonde hair. I continue to stare at myself, tyler accepted me, does he find me attractive, I never thought in a million years we would be mates, he's never really paid me attention, though I'm getting older, my hips are wider and I have breasts now, they're only a cups but still. My pale skin heats when I remember Tyler kissing me, his full lips were so soft, I suddenly feel the need to be close to him. I won't see him all day but I hope he will be at my party tonight, it is after all a pack event.

I rush home from school and change from my uniform into black sweatpants, a midriff singlet and a boob tube bra, easy access to my neck where the brand will go. I'm starting to get so nervous, Natasha comes in and fixes my hair, putting hair spray to tame the flyaways. There's a knock on the door and Maggie comes in "hey girl" she says cheerfully and holds up a bottle of tequila "trust me you're gonna need this" in her other hand she has 3 shot glasses " I hope you have something to chase it with" Tash says, I take a deep breathe and exhale "okay lets do it" I say confidentially, Maggie laughs and pours out three shots "here" she says and pulls something from her bag "pepsi to chase it" we cheers and down the shots, i swallow and feel the warm liquid slip down my throat and settle in my belly, I sip the pepsi to get the horrible taste from my mouth. Maggie proceeds to feed me 2 and a half more shots and I'm really feeling the effects. Hopefully this helps numb the pain I'm about to go through, we head down to the main house where everyone waits for me to arrive.

I'm to kneel on the back deck, the whole pack is standing on the grass watching with a drink in their hand, rock music plays in the background, fairy lights hang around us, alpha Marcus stands by the fire with the brand in the hot coals, butterflies are going crazy in my stomach, I haven't seen Tyler yet but I can feel that he's here somewhere. Everyone cheers when Marcus steps up onto the deck, he recites the words but I don't hear them. I jump when a hand brushes my shoulder and slips my singlet down then moves my hair. It's torture waiting for him to press the hot iron to my skin, suddenly everyone cheers again then I feel the white hot pain on my neck, I cry out but I'm held in place, I collapse onto the ground when the hot rod is taken off my skin and thrown back into the fire. I lay there silently crying, a wolf starts to lick my wound, then the tears on my face, I sense it's Tyler, I know it's him without seeing. Everything goes black and when I open my eyes I'm in Tylers strong arms " what happened" I ask in confusion, I'm suppose to be celebrating my birthday " you passed out, im taking you home. By the way you stink of booze! What are you doing drinking away? Those girls are a bad influence" he sounds angry, I wiggle out of his arms, deciding I want to go to the party " what are you doing" he says as he grips my arm, I jerk out of his grip "get your goddamn hands off me" I yell and decide to run there, but end up stumbling over, how stupid of me, he grabs me up and slings me over his shoulder, I jerk around so he slaps my bum hard, I stop thrashing and just let him take me home, those shots really messed me up, i feel like I could vomit, my neck hurts and I'm honestly tired, happy birthday to me

Tyler drops me onto my bed and removes my shoes, he throws the blanket over me but I can't sleep in jeans, I kick it off and undo my jeans and kick them off too. He throws the blanket back over me and sits down next to me, I frown " what are you doing" he stays silent for a while, I watch and wait, wondering what's on his mind, he exhaled then turns to me " I'm being deployed" he says softly, " what no" I yell, sitting up fast and grabbing him, but he hushes me and kisses my forehead "i leave tomorrow " I can't help the tears welling in my eyes, my life is just beginning, we've only just found eachother and he's leaving, it's not fair. " We can't be together yet, you're still a kid, my deployment is 4 years. Then I'll be back to finally claim you" he strokes my hair and wipes away the tears that have fallen. His lips brush gently against mine and then he's gone.