

the child she never was
At about 6 years old was her first memory and it wasn't one you wanted to have as a 6 year old. Someone so special to her someone she completely trusted took her innocence and forced her to grow up way to soon but I'm getting ahead of myself .
She was born Perry heath the youngest boy in a family of 5. From the beginning she knew she was special she had fiery red hair and freckles that were kisses from the angels all over her body.
She was first aware of herself when she was around 6 before the incident , it's part of the reason she became a she as a way to keep the person that violated her away. She never told a soul about it unroll she was 13 but between the ages of 6 and 13 she knew pain and suffering and she knew the true face of evil because 3 ppl had used her body her tiny body as there cum receptical .
Even at that early age she never allowed herself the time to dwell on the evil that was unleashed on her the girl said to herself one day she was gonna be free of them. That day was far away little did she know.
So in an attempt to keep them away she refused to let them see her she thought maybe if I don't do anything to show them how special she truly was they wouldn't see her and she would be safe.
Days turned to weeks and weeks into months and the years of physical and mental abuse went on . She would cry and ask God why is this happening to me I'm just a child why don't your angels come and take me away.
it was near her 13 birthday when she was lying in bed in there 3rd story apt .
Sensing that her child was hurting her mother came and laid down next to her and put her arms around her and said "I'd rather have. gay son then a dead one.
Tears came down her face as she told her mom how did you know. Her mother responded with a simple smile and said a mother knows . Her mother went on to tell her something that gave her the strenght to finally stand up with pride she told her to raise her voice and be loud because if she never raises her voice then was she truly ever heard or there.
Now the years have passed and her demons have all been dead and gone and as the woman she is she reflcts on her life and those demons as she tells her husband the story. He ask her babe wait who was your first demon as tears formed in those beautiful green eyes she said my mother she was the first to steal my innocence but she suffered from multiple personalities and one of them raped me . Her mother never knew that she took that light in my eyes and help put it back.
he said no way This can't be true where's this girl now. I looked at him and said right unbfront of u my dear it's my story...