

Truth be Told

Poets are the voice, but there are some things they'll never tell -
But it ain't so hard to get to know what it is if only you'd pay attention to the signals that spark their daily conversations.

As much as you marvel at the poetic work they do, sometimes y'all got to reach out to the poet too,
Because I've come to understand that in some instances - Poetry is more like using your hurt to heal other people's wounds.

Sometimes those who voluntarily patrol the nights with flashlights are those who once broke a bone or two walking in the dark.
And the man who put up the Lighthouse surely knows the struggle of trying to swim back ashore when trapped in a pool of darkness.

Be grateful for such company as they don't want you to relive their hurt.

Silent sirens ring,
The caged bird sings,
Pain on their wings wrings -
But only the blind man sees...

Hidden behind every new post are the words, "Hey there, I'm trying to make a conversation through these monologues, do you here me calling... (out for help) ?"

Don't be fooled, the world doesn't really revolve around the person on the rostrum.
Sometimes they're just trying to connect to the real world through that solo act.

They serve you fantasy but the reality within purges their derelict souls.

Some performances you see are actually Reality Shows - Pray you have discernment.

You wouldn't want to see a dying note that reads :
"They mistook my flame thrower signal for fireworks and unknowingly made a toast to my slow death by drowning".

So next time you look at art, try to see the real reality that lies behind the canvas:
The naked soul that's concealed in-between those covers.

Then you'll know that sometimes what inspires entertainment ain't always entertaining.

Copyright © Tadiwanashe Chikundi , 2021
All Rights Reserved

The moral right of the writer has been asserted.

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