

Books are Like People
Books are like people.

They don't need to be biographies for us to relate.
We come in different shapes & sizes.
We're different ages, with different content.
Some are true stories;
others totally fictitious.
We have different levels of knowledge & ambition.
Different languages & vocabularies, with accents like fonts.
Through brail, or reading to people; we reach out to the blind.
Sometimes we say nothing, instead offering a picture worth a thousand words.
We've many moods & traits from uplifting, inspiring, funny, sad, & mysterious, to dark, or scary.
Our covers don't always match what's inside. In fact, they often deceive. Some with fancy, exciting covers have little inner content.
Each page changes,
as each day in life.
Each chapter changes,
like each passing year.
We love to cuddle together.
If we're not cared for,
we won't last.
If we're abused, bent, or twisted wrong, our spines are often damaged or broken.
If we're picked at, eventually our binding comes undone.
We often have hidden treasures stashed between some pages.
We have the ability to influence.
We have acknowledgments to thank for our successes
& index's to reference.
We've birthdays with beginnings. We have final chapters with endings.
Best of all, after our story is over; we still carry on.

What's your story?
© Miss Read