

Did You See Me No!
All that time you riding in style an I am
walking this rode. Then the police come
up on me I am like what you going to come at me as if I don't have much
well you wrong a pandemic hit. And you
want this to go down like this well see
my rath so I disappeared while the cops
talked to the truck. And they did not see
me slide in the back. So what's going down is I am getting away but not in a
way which I can be seen. So long ride then the truck stops at a gas station.
Then I get out after he went to the bathroom around back of the gas
station. And I take 800.00 out of his
glove compartment. Then I walk down the street to my house and go in cause
a storm coming and I am not going to
be able to work because of the storm
so this will do nicely to pay my bills
and it is crazy but this is a pandemic
and it don't have time to make sense
I be out to my own house. So be smooth
about your robberys. And never let
the people see you sweat in a pandemic.
© lashes sullivan