

The man who knows a lion —PART ONE
A shiny bright day a birth of lion King in th jungle of beauty. Only a few seconds goes a hunter came to hunt the lion and he does hunt the lion cubs father, after seeing it cubs mother fetch her son and ran away from the hunter. The hunter sees it a goes into his car to follow her, and firing from behind but it does not hitting the target. Suddenly the tire got punctured and his fingers set to the fire handle and it suddenly shooted towards the lioness leg and see got injury from it, but she stays strong and ran straight to North far from the hunter and goes out of the jungle and fell down. Cubs mother does not have any energy left in her to stand up due to her injury , but her son was in front of her. The lioness saw a lone house in front of her, she stood up with very difficulty and took her son towards the house and placed him their. The hunter came after changing a new tire and shooted down cubs mother. Then the hunter came towards her to pickup the lioness. The owner of that house came out , his name is Alessandro Del Carlos, saw the scene and questioned‘‘what is happening here?’’ ‘‘why this lioness is dead here?’’. He saw the hunter and questioned him then Alessandro try to simply solve the matter and the hunter understand, then left from their. Alessandro took a deep breath and when he was going into his house, he saw cub of lion he picked him up and took him into his house and took care of him.

-Mohit Malay Nayak
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