

There is a pain in loss. Every one talks about pain as lost of a loved one, a lost investment , or love lost. In true sense what the person grieves is Time.

Loss of time is entire pain. Loss of time is irredeemable.

What your mind replay as memories are;
the time invested in loving on one another…. the moments shared……
The time dedicated to a failed project is worse than the failure of the project itself.

Have you ever traced time….. and realized the several achievements you would have made if you acted with a little more awareness?

I Have……. I still Am …… and believe me it hurts.

Age is simply, an allocated period of time to Occupy YOUR space on earth.

Seize every second of your allocated Time, Don’t allow life happen to YOUR space.

OWN your life.

Remember It is your Life until you decide to Quit.
