

the first wife
so I started transitioning at the age of 12. scared to death of my military father and not wanting to let my mom down. I always said that whom ever God puts in my path I'm gonna love them.
so fast forward about a million years. I had already left home and been living my life as a female for a lifetime.lifetime.a friend of mine needed a place to stay,well I said yes and really liked having her as a roomie. about2 weeks into our new living situation she asked if her girlfriend could come stay the night, I saw nothing wrong with it. so I went to spend the weekend at my fiance house, come mon morning I open my front door and go into my room and there in the middle of my room sitting on the floor spilling pan cake syrup was this little butch lesbian . so my first instinct was to scream at the top of my lungs to snap and clean up the syrup of my hardwood floors.
so after I finished doing that I decided to give her a second chance.chance.from the beginning we didn't get along everytime we passed each other in the apt we had something ugly to say to each other. so I stayed roommates with them for about three months and then I moved into my own place.
she and I decided to bury the hatchet and when I left I told her that if she ever needed me call me I'd be there.
so about 1 month later my phone rang it was her she needed a place to stay she was in tears and for the first time somewhere in my heart I knew I had to help her protect her.
I made her take a taxi to my spot and told her to pick a sofa. well she picked the smallest chair to sleep in,now I have manners and even though I myself am a lady my mom would have a fit if I allowed her to sleep there. so i told her that she can sleep in my bed at night cause i worked nights,during the day she was off doing her so I'd sleep then. one thing led to another and she and i stayed in bed all weekend together but not like that dirty birdies. i was having trouble with my sexuality around that time because i found myself falling head over heels in love with her. so we started dating and the deeper i fell it was almost a year later when she asked me to be her life partner,I said no ran outside called her mom and asked if I could marry her daughter,she said yes so I ran back into the room where she began to pack her stuff and I dropped to my knees and asked her. she said yes never in my life did I ever expect to be married but here it was , I grew up believing love was for ppl who can afford it, but here I was madly in love and on Jan 3 I did it. when I was little my family was well non existent and my dreams were small I wanted a family someone to love me and someone for me to love,and her she was my soulmate. well she was my soulmate I was something for her to do. as soon as they pronounced us husband and wife she changed or maybe it was me who changed,about a month into my marriage she asked me to quit my job,I told her that's not a problem but once I did that our lives were gonna change dramatically.
she insisted so I did and all the parties and shopping trips stopped lost our apt moved in with my ex. BAD IDEA him and her got into an argument which turned into a fist fight between he and I.
which left me in jail for the weekend but come Monday I was being released. so I ran home nonstop got home and she wasn't there. turns out she was with her ex, then she started spouting out every excuse I heard those men tell there wives. tears started to form and I went for a walk.
see when we tied the knot we read our own vows I w as crying so much I couldn't read them , I loved her mind body soul. I once told her that maybe I need to leave because I couldn't live her the way she wanted. I wasn't gonna hit her call her all kinds of names cheat on her,I just couldn't love her that way,everyday that I woke up my first thought was her and how to make her happy and when I fell asleep I was the luckiest ssob in the world cause I got to sleep next to the person of my dreams.
the more I loved her and showed her that I loved her the meaner she got.
so in the morning hours she left in the middle of the night. I felt like a complete failure what did I do. I whouldn't eat all I did was cry,turns out she said that marring me was something to do. like going shopping. Sad part is I still love her and miss her but she and I aren't ment 4 this lifetime