

the faceless woman
In a quiet suburban house, nestled under the veil of the 1960s, lived a girl with an unknown identity. She had been adopted by a kind couple who had found her as a baby on their doorstep, wrapped in a blanket with no name and no history. They had given her a loving home, but as she grew older, she couldn't shake the feeling that something about her past was hidden in the shadows.

One fateful night, as the moon cast a soft glow through her bedroom window, she awoke to a chilling sight.
The dust shrouded at the end of her bed, and a cold, unearthly feeling filled the air. What appeared to be an old woman's ghost crouched at the foot of her bed, her eyes filled with sadness and longing. She mumbled incomprehensively, muttering to herself uncannily. The girl's heart pounded in her chest as the specter whispered incoherent words, leaving an eerie chill in the room.

Terrified but resolute, the girl decided to confront the mysteries that lurked within the house. She had often heard strange sounds in the dark corners of her home, as if haunting creatures roamed the hallways. Ignoring the strict prohibition of entering the basement, she gathered her courage one night and descended the creaky wooden stairs.

In the dimly lit basement, she was greeted by a chilling sight. A woman with no face, save for a small slit where her mouth should be, stood in the far corner. She hummed a tune that sounded strangled and discordant, sending shivers down the girl's spine. The woman beckoned her closer with an outstretched, faceless hand.

Panicked and horrified, the girl raced back upstairs to her parents, their room just down the hallway. She explained what she had seen, her voice trembling with fear. Her parents, concerned for their daughter, rushed to the basement, but when they arrived, it was empty, with no trace of the faceless woman or her haunting tune.

The mysteries that surrounded the girl's unknown identity and the eerie occurrences in their house remained unresolved. It was as if the secrets of the past were determined to stay hidden, leaving her with more questions than answers.