

Cassies dream PT 19
Sam and Missy went back to Tys. Cassie had to go to the store so the girls load up and go into town. Cassie has to get a few more things for the dinner and they had to get more beer as well. "So you two seem to have made friends quick?" Cassie says to the other two girls. "You have room to talk and besides have you looked at them? Both of them are hot as hell.""Sam is just the sweetest kind man I have ever met." Nina and Missy answer her. "They both are great guys I don't believe you could do any better and besides it keeps you here with me. Speaking of which you can stay at the house as long as you guys want. Ty and I will be leaving Wednesday and will be gone almost four weeks. I have Atlanta,Mobile, Jackson,New Orleans,Baton Rouge,Houston, Dallas,Oklahoma City and Tulsa before we come home." "Damn that sounds like a lot." Missy says as they go to the check out line. And I have to do a photo shoot in New Orleans while we are there for Wrangler since they are my sponsor now. The truck has to have the stickers put on it Monday." Cassie hands Madison her debit card. "This is my cousin Madison these is Missy and Nina two of my best friends." Madison says hello as the girls load the bags in a cart. "You and Adam are coming tomorrow right?" "Yes we will be there." "Great see you then." The girls load the bags and go to package store and get the stuff for drinks, beer and ice. Ty calls her and tells her to run by and pick up the pizzas that they ordered before she comes home. They go get the pizza and head back to the house. Ty and Steve are there to are there to help carry everything in."Where did Sam go?" Missy asked. "He went to get something he will be back in a few minutes." Missy and Nina help Cassie put everything away. Cassie hears the beep for the gate."Sam must be back." She tells the girls. When the girls look out where the guys were sitting no one is there. Moon is even gone with them. The girls go outside and are walking around the house when the guys come back. Sam is carrying a big box and Moon is jumping up trying to see what is in the box. "What's in the box that has him so worked up?" Cassie ask. Sam sits the box on the table and reaches inside and pulls out a cute little puppy and hands it to Missy. "Here this is for you." Steve reaches in and gets another one and hands it to Nina. Missy is hugging and kissing the little ball of fur. "You got this for me? That is the coolest thing anyone has ever done. Thank you" She gets on her tip toes and kisses him. Nina is hugging hers to her and crying."Baby what's wrong?" Steve ask walking over to her. "Nothing I have never had a dog of my own. My mom wouldn't ever let us have one." "Well you have one now." Cassie smiles "Would you guys let Moon see them before he has a fit." The girls sit the puppies down for Moon to see they start jumping on him and he acts all tough to them but then leads them off around the house with him."I could have got one too but we really don't have time for a puppy right now." Ty says to Cassie. "No we don't and Moon is my guy I can't be mom to no one new while he is still with me. He means to much."
They all go to eat and Ty says "Hey while you were at the store four big boxes were delivered they are in the hallway I will get them for you." Ty gets the boxes and sits them next to the table Cassie gets a knife and opens one. It is full of t shirts and hoodies belts and hats all with the wrangler logo on them. She opens the next one it is full of jeans and jackets. The other two are same way only for men. "Damn that's cool." Ty says. "Yeah it was in the contract that they would give her something like ten grand in clothing and etc." Cassie says "Well we are all going to be wearing Wrangler stuff then."
They all decide to watch a movie or two and then they head off to bed the girls taking their new fur babies with them.
The next morning after Cassie and Rocket got done practicing she made the potatoes salad and got the corn on the cob ready to put in the coals she had her other salad ready when her comes in with the baked beans, homemade rolls,a chocolate cake a peach cobbler and a cheesecake. "Thank you momma so much." Missy comes around the corner with Nina behind her "I told you I heard Cassie say momma" Amanda is so happy to see her two adopted girls "Get over and give me a hug it's been a minute or two since I seen you two." The girls hug her and talk with her for a few MINUTES. Before Amanda leaves so she can run by the store before going home. Amanda grabs her bags and heads to her car she wasn't paying attention where she was going and run into a guy going in the store."I am so sorry." "Manda?" "Billy?" "How are you? I heard you were back in town." "I am good." "Hey I would love to catch up with you have dinner with me?" Billy ask. "Well tell you what I have cooked all day to help Cassie with the dinner party her and Ty are having so why don't you just come have dinner with me and mom then mom has bingo tonight." Billy smiles at her." I would like that what time?" "Six work for you?" "See you then." Amanda drives home smiling about the evening she will be having with the first boy she ever had any feeling for.
Ty has the grill going and the meat is just about done the girls carry everything else out and sit it on the table. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Ty has a history of liking to push everyone in the pool and so far tonight he has got Nina, Heather, Lee, Beth, Madison, Adam, Lacey and Sam all before they ate. Everyone is done eating now and the girls have the food put away. Suddenly there is a splash and then another Ty had added Lance and Missy to the list. So that leaves Steve, Jeff and Cassie. Ty waits and catches Steve over guard and picks him up and throws him in the pool. It takes about thirty minutes before he is able to get Jeff but he does and that's when Cassie makes her move Ty is stand next to the pool flipping Jeff off when Cassie runs around behind him and pushes him as hard as she can Ty starts falling in the water but he reaches out and takes her with him as he goes. When they come up everyone is cheering for Cassie. Ty picks her up and laughs "You got me but I took you with me. I love you." Then he tosses her over in the water. Cassie comes up wiping her hair out of her face and laughing "I love you too."
Everyone starts leaving and Sam ask Missy "Would you like to go to my house with me tonight?" "Yes I would let me grab a few things first." Missy goes a throws some clothes in a bag and other things and grabs Rosy the pup they say good night and head out. Steve helps with trash and cleaning up. "I need to go up to my house and take care of something would you like to go?" He ask Nina."Are we coming back tonight?" "Throw some things in a bag just in case." She gets her bag and Gracie and heads out with Steve. As soon as they are gone Ty grabs Cassie and throws her over his shoulder and carries her to the bedroom.
Ty sits her down on the corner of the bed "Stay right there." Ty walks over to his closet and disappears inside for a few minutes. When he returns he takes her hands in his "Cassie you have made my life feel worth living for someone who has so much I never realized how much I was missing till I found you. And now there is no way I can see me living without you so will you do me the great honor to be my wife?" Ty brings a beautiful princess cut diamond ring out for her to see. Cassie looks up in his eyes "Ty you are the most amazing man I have ever met I would love to spend the rest of my life with you so yes." Ty slips the ring on her finger Cassie holds it up the light makes it sparkle and shine."It so pretty." "Its not near as pretty as you." Ty kisses her. "There is a safe in my closet in the floor. I will show you tomorrow and yes there is one in the office too but dad always said never put all your eggs in one basket." "That's a smart idea really." "Yes so the one in the office has a little cash a few pieces of low end jewelry and some papers that don't amount to much. Everything that is worth anything is in the other one Shelly has a big part of mom's jewelry but there are a few very nice things still here." "Ty I don't care about any of that." "I want you to know important things." "Later right now come here make love to me." Cassie pulls him down on the bed with her wrapping herself around him. "I love you Cassie." Ty gets their clothes off in record time and slides inside her pumping in and out of looking down into her eyes. "You feel so good fuck me harder please." "Damnit Cassie you are going to have to stop with the please thing. I lose my shit every time." Cassie laughs "We will work on that."
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