

Chapter One
I was on my way to work and I saw the most beautiful woman. She stopped me in my tracks, but I kept going. I was late for work. I looked down at my watch; gosh fifteen minutes late, my boss was going to kill me. My boss, who is a little bit of an asshole, called me into his office. His name was Mr. Payton, more like Mr. Pee because he smelt like pee all the time, just don’t tell him I said that.
Once I got in his office, I saw the woman that made my heart skip a beat. I was shocked and it was all over my face. I was also wondering how she got here before me? Her…? Work as a business woman? No, she's probably just stopping by or something. I introduced myself…

Hey, I’m Ava, how are you?

When she spoke she sounded very calming, like sitting outside listening to the rain and thunder.

Hi, I’m Mia, and I’m very well, thank you!

She looked like a rockstar. I'm probably just being over dramatic, but all black; black eyeshadow around her eyes and spikey hair with red tips. That's the only color she had on. You can just imagine what kind of clothes she had on. She was a little buff, very pretty eyes (dark green), and a beautiful smile. Mr. Pee told me I’ll be her chaperone for today and my face went pale. Mr. Pee sent her out of the room for a while, I asked him why me, why did I have to do it?
I asked [more like begged him] not to assign me to her. I knew I was the perfect candidate, but every time I looked at her I went into shambles. I tried and tried and tried, but nothing I said was going to change his mind. So I had to get myself together and go out there. The confidence was there, but my feet weren’t moving.
Once I did, it was on from there. I took a deep breath and went up to her.

So… Where do you want to start?

Saying it very shyly.

Anywhere is fine, the meeting area seems plausible to start. That’s my favorite part.

Oh… I’m not allowed up there, but I can sneak you in.

Wouldn’t that be disobeying the rules?

Yes, but I can for this one time, follow me!

My heart was beating out of my chest. I think she knew from the look on my face. It turned a bright red every time I looked at her.

We’re here, but I do have a question.

Yes, go ahead.

She said it in a very sexy way, like she was trying to seduce me.

Are you here to steal our company plans? I don’t know who comes here on their first day and asks to see the meeting area.

Company plans aren't what I’m here for and plus I don’t steal. Does it look like I steal?

No, Well… I thought so because who asks to see a boring ole meeting area? If they knew I was doing this I could get fired.

Oof harsh don’t you think.

Yeah, I know, I really need this job so I don’t say anything.

I started to stumble over my words. It sounded like I was drunk or had a lisp. She probably thought I was drunk from the look on her face. I didn’t speak for ten minutes. Mia finally broke the ice and said “I’ve noticed you’ve been looking at me a certain way.” It was like she was looking at me while not looking at me, she was paying attention to more of the work than me. My face turned red. I wanted to confess, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t as brave as her, all I said was “yeah don’t I suppose to look at you? If I didn’t it'd be really awkward, don’t you think!”

Yes, I know, but now can I ask you a question?

I feel like I know what the question she’s going to ask. My heart sank to my stomach.

Can I-

Well… You know boss man [whispers under breath aka Mr. Pee] is looking for me.

Stopping her before she could get anything else out. I’m pretty sure she’s going to ask me later, but I’ll try to avoid her as much as I can. Later on that day, we finished our work and I ran into the one person I didn’t want to see… Ugh, Mia. I didn’t mean to say it in a mean way, I just… Oh my… She just takes my breath away every time. Mia stopped me before I stepped out the door. She asked me for coffee. I don’t drink coffee, I responded. That was totally a lie, I live for coffee.

So… Do you drink? I can take you to a bar?

She insisted on taking me out. Obviously I said yes, I never turn down a drink.

Ok! We’ll get in my car.

I looked at her with a concerned face.

No… I’m not a kidnapper, I just like taking my dates in my car.

Wait date! She never said it was a date! I thought to myself softly with a little panic. I smiled awkwardly and got in the car.

Where to, I asked.

The new bar that opened?

I’ve been wanting to go there for a while, but I've been too busy at work.

It's a really good place.

And how do you know that?

It’s my place, I should know.

Your place?

I thought she was lying. How does someone manage to be a business woman and own a business? Wouldn’t that take up all your time? I asked her both questions because that would be hard juggling two things at once.

How do you manage to do both jobs?

It’s not that hard really, all you have to do is manage your time with your business and then once you get that down you can get other jobs.

She was so interesting, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.

Yeah, you’ll like it, it fits your look or shall I say style.

And how do I look?

Very perky, laid back, beautiful, astonishing, and breathtaking.

The way she was describing me was so sexy.

Those are wow-

I couldn’t say another word. I had complements before, but this was something else.

We finally arrived, thank you! I was relieved to get out of the car.

It looks nice!

Wait until you see the inside.

We walked in and I slipped, but sweet ole Mia caught me. Her gaze was beautiful, her eyes were like the great plains when it’s at its highest peak, it had a little hazel too. I felt my heart stop and start again.

Are you okay?

Her words were so sweet and calming.

Yes, thank you! I don’t know how I did that.

No worries, I’ll make sure that never happens again.

She said it with a serious tone and look on her face.

This is the nicest bar I’ve ever been to.

She gazed into my eyes while lifting me up. I couldn’t even talk, that's how she made me feel.

Um… Ca- can I ask yo-

Of course you can, don’t be shy!

Are you by any chance dating anyone?

I was terrified of what her response was going to be!

It’s a little complicated, but that’s a question I haven’t heard in a while.