

Willow Tree: Episode 2- Nightnares
The next day, Ki qnd Willow bumped into each other in the hallways. They stared at each other until two boys came up to them.

"Hey Ki!" Yelled one of them.
"Oh no..." Ki commented walking off.
"Yeah! You better walk off pal!" Threaten the other one.

Yanagi rolled her eyes. She walked off too, leaving the two boys. She went to her art class. She kept zoning out, thinking about Ki. She went back in time through her memories of when they were younger. Ki would always protect Yanagi from bullies. They've been friends since elementary until the accident.

Lunch rolled around. Yanagi ate alone cause her friends were on a class trip to Benzdy University.
"Hey, Yanagi is it?" Asked a person tapping her on the shoulder.
"Yes, who's asking..?" Yanagi turned around in her seat looking up. Ki was standing above her, sniling. He asked if he could sit next to her.

They talked all throughout lunch. They got to know each other all over.

"Wait..." Ki paused.
"Yeah, what is it?" Yanagi stopped eating her sandwich.
"Aren't you Yanagi from 11 years ago?" Ki paused, "that Yanagi?"
"Yes..." Yanagi answered putting her sandwich down.

Ki eyes widen then teared up. He got up and rushed to the front office. Yanagi looked blankly forward in the direction Ki ran. She began tearing up, covering her mouth.

Ki left school early. He went home and locked himself in his room. He didn't come out for the rest of the night. He slept all day and night. He missed school for almost two months. He kept having nightmares. Memories of them flooded back in fast; giving Ki headaches. He screamed in the dead of night some nights. Cried furiously other nights. Few nights were dead silence. His parents and little brothers worried about him. He wouldn't speak to them. His mom left food at his door so he could eat. Only time he left his room was when everyone was asleep.

"Yanagi, what's wrong?" A friend of her asked.
"I don't know..." Yanagi looking at her desk, letting tears fall, forming a small puddle of tears on her desk.

© YoungAuthor