

Saisha's Passion

Saisha is a cute girl of age 9.She is quite bad at studies.Her mom is unable to help her in her studies because she works in another district.It is her paternal grandmother who looks after her and she is not much efficient in teaching her.So she lets Saisha in a tuition which also fails to give a good result.

During vacation Saisha goes to her maternal grandmother's house where her grandfather is an astrologer.Saisha is quite interested in astrology and so asks her grandfather to tell predictions for her on her future profession.Her grandfather after deep analysis of her natal chart says she will become a professor in future.Saisha is quite disappointed because she hates teaching profession because she used to get punishment from her teachers for getting poor grades in her studies.She asks her grandfather to tell some other profession.Her grandfather says," you will get a profession which has the ability to command at least 4 people" Saisha says," which means....?what profession do you mean exactly?" Grand father says, " Just like a collector" Saisha gets a new knowledge of that profession.From that moment,she fixes her aim as becoming a collector.A year passes,Saisha's mom gets transfer to her native district.It's a turning point in her life.With her mom's guidance,she starts getting good grades.

Saisha reaches college,she opts BA English Literature.She still has the dream of becoming a collector.But,as contrary to her childhood opinion,she develops interest towards teaching profession.She also has passion for English language.After her final semester examination,she thinks a lot and get reminds that it's not good to sail on two boats at the same time.It is the time to decide her aim whether it's a professor or a collector.Finally,She selects teaching profession due to her excessive passion on English language.Years pass, now,Saisha is a renown Writer as well as Professor.She also does social services more than a district collector can do.

Moral - Follow your passion and it will never let you down.

- A.G.Aishwarya

© A.G.Aishwarya

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